Chum Joely

Humanity, eh? Hmm, I dunno, I played Tesla Effect (Tex Murphy reboot) last year, and after the first hour or so, it kind of just made me want to kill everyone in sight. The FMV wasn't even the worst part.

Yes, I personally have PTSD from chryssalid attacks. Every time those guys come out, my crew just scatters.

In my first year at college, I replaced my roommate's background picture to the logo from Negativland's "Escape From Noise" (stick figure running from sound waves), and the startup sound to "IS THERE ANY ESCAPE? FROM… NNOOOIIIIISE??!" One of the explosions from "Car Bomb" was a system sound too, as I recall. He was

He was 18 and IT HASN'T BEEN THAT LONG!!! Although now that you mention it, the first summer that he was really active (2011? 2012?), I remember him deciding that it was "The Summer of Steam" or such, and referring to the most active group on the Gameological group chat (Effigy, djsubversive, myself… a few others) as

Thanks Pat! I have heard many of my friends say that they expected this game to be a fun little trifle and were shocked at how much they were moved by it… and yet it still caught me totally by surprise too.

Well, that particular puzzle is especially annoying because discovering it comes down to pixel-hunting in probably one of the most obscure, unlikely-to-be-anything-interesting-here screens of the whole game. And the thing you have to actually click on is right next to another clickable zone which triggers the annoying

I had this idea for the setting/premise of a story/game/something where the new trend ("retro-immersion") is for groups of people to totally immerse themselves in some past era through use of Internet and augmented-reality technologies, etc.— so all the music you hear, TV shows you see (if applicable), and even the

Hmm, Bayonetta. I have started that one recently (note: I am terrible at this kind of fighting game) and I'm not sure what I think. It is certainly over-the-top and extremely Japanese, mostly in a fun way. Lots of eye-rolling moments too, though (like every time something "sexy" happens).

Outland, there's an oldie but a goodie. It has been languishing on my PS3's HDD since not long after it came out (I actually worked on the localized versions back in my game-industry days), but the first several missions definitely gave me the taste for it. Putting that one back on the official list for 2016…

I can't decide whether I like Sunless Sea or not. I probably need to set aside multiple hours really late at night in order to really get into the atmosphere.

I paid $15 for that last week (?) and it was an incredible bargain. I already have the XCOM games on PS3 and iPad, but I wanted them on my new gaming PC so that I can eventually subject myself to the Long War mod. Lo and behold, here is a bundle where I can get not only XCOM Enemy Within, but also a ton of Sid Meier

I have to get back to Bastion too. I played for a couple of hours but actually didn't get into it as much as with Transistor. Not exactly sure why… part of it has to do with the aesthetic rather than the gameplay, perhaps (I just adored the look & sound of Transistor, with all its pretentiousness).

Me too. Not to say that Nathan's actual Deep Dark Secret wasn't shocking enough, but I got the feeling from some of the tidbits I found about his dad that there was something even huger and equally frightening going on within the family that we were eventually going to find out about. Again, kind of cool that the game


Agreed — I didn't use a lot of the available Sit & Think moments (I was often in a hurry to see what would happen next), but there were several times when I really did appreciate them. I especially remember the morning after Max had crashed at Chloe's place, and you wake up and just have a couple of minutes to lie

Might post later about what I'm actually playing this weekend (Undertale may be on the list), but as for what I played last weekend… I just finished Life Is Strange on Wednesday night, and while I no longer feel quite such an overwhelming urge to lay down and cry every time I think about the ending, the game is still

Thanks! I was not actually all that active in anything except XCOM (which I often just play for fun for an hour, with no care about progression)— but indeed, I quit when I discovered I was talking more than playing ;)

Hi everyone— long time, no WAYPTW… But I finally got a new gaming laptop (written off as a business expense now that I'm running my own business at home), so I am very eager to put it through its paces.

Wait, wait… WE decided? MY best interest? How do you know what MY best interest is?

Man, KenHR, I'm glad you're not in charge of my HR department.