Chum Joely

Penises… shredded…

So can he actually speak Korean now? I heard (as a non-speaker of Korean) that his American accent was pretty fucking horrendous back in the Lost days.

I wish I had a pithy comment for this great review of a great comedian's work, but y'know… Some people have a way with words, and other people just… uh… not have way, I guess.

We did White Mongolians for a while which was just soy milk instead of cream (Chinese soy vs Russian vodka = Mongolian? Anyone?)

My wife tells me that she and some friends of hers used to drink Manischewitz and chocolate milk back in high school…

So… you brought a lot of people back to life, for a negative number of net kills? Mind: BLOWN

Correct me if I'm wrong, but disease resistance like whites' relative resistance to smallpox at that time (for example) is not encoded in DNA, so it's not really evolutionary in that sense. It's a state that develops from ontogenetic exposure (i.e. during each single person's lifetime) to a certain range of

Wow, I never even heard of this. I guess this is one of the ways I got really lucky by living in Germany for the 1995-96 school year.

As far as I'm concerned, Neil Hamburger's bit is his Taco Bell retweets and that is good enough for me.

I made that mistake too. You have to click on the link in the article about the "Facebook user and global hero". The individual annotated photos are in an album on the guy's FB page.

Still having trouble finding time/energy for games what with this nice weather (and my frequently recurring terrible moods, but that's a different story). Most likely it`ll be Talos Principle if anything— I have started to get a little momentum going and I am appreciating the parallels to Portal. I hope they keep

Feet are attached to legs, for one thing…

There are quality issues like that here, but I guess I wouldn't quite say it's like reading Cracked in any other way :p

He who heard it, incurred it.

I'm pretty sure that the editors here don't know the difference between "principle" and "principal", because I notice that particular error all the damn time.

Well, yeah. Also, immensely huge. And more windows (EXPLETIVE DELETED)

I am getting seriously sick of my job in "professional services" for an enormous software company. Basically they changed the job description gradually, starting about 6 months after I started, to where now it doesn't match what I came on for much at all. Trying to figure out what to do about that. But man, do I hate

Job searching?! Do tell! Have you applied to work in the evil lairs of any mad scientists?

I know, I got all the way in to work before checking and it was still at a measly 110 comments!