Chum Joely

Oh definitely not. I turned off the "human visualizer" after one session for exactly that reason. I'm glad I never saw the human version of Anghel (although I loved that "human" Okosan was still just a pigeon).

Man, I have barely been playing anything at all for several weeks. I've been doing this weird thing where I actually attempt to get enough sleep. Lame, right?!

Liked for Hatoful Boyfriend, which is so much more awesome than it has any right to be.

It's still around in Perl, Java and various other languages. I think there are a few places where you can use it and it still counts as reasonable style, like for a "break/continue" type of effect if the language doesn't have a specific keyword for that.

D'oh! (or whatever the American Dad equivalent would be)

Well now you're associated with it too. Oh wait, so am I. Dammit! OW!

The "Erections Today" one is comically infuriating because the explanation about the missing L includes three L's…

Theoretically the "Ale" part of the formula should be bringing in some delicious citrus and otherwise fruity aromas and tastes, but yeah, it is harder than I expected to find an IPA that isn't just HOPS IN YOUR FACE! 500 IBUs, BITCH!!!


Prepare to feel sorrier.

I don't want to give anything away but it starts with "White" and ends with "Walker".

Exactly, that is what really puts EW in my top 5 of all time— how much more varied the missions are than in the first one. I liked the one on top of the dam too.

This is a games site for adults, so I thought it was worth mentioning… Plus, he has strict limits on his TV/game time, whereas my only limits are that I have to be awake enough and not otherwise committed to minding kids, making their meals, preparing them for school, or cleaning up after them, which leaves me with

Yes, that was my situation too and I also read ALL the damn websites about it. You have to like reboot and practically reconfigure your PS3 under the hood to get things back on track, right? Sheesh…

Not at all, you're right. I mean hey, you have to have a business plan. But my point was, the OP was not exactly making up the charge out of thin air. Fair's fair.

Yeah, I remember the janitor music. It reminded me of Ween's "Pure Guava" (don't remember which song… probably "Little Birdy", heh heh) and I was totally baffled and thrilled to discover THAT sound in THAT game.

Of course that is the only example I know of, so the "obsessive" claim is still not really supported.

Target just closed all its stores in Canada. Maybe next time we're home visiting family in the States. Or, I can try to find the Canadian version, which would be… uh… oh never mind, there are still Wal-Marts here, we're good. Thanks.

Noting first that I quite like Cameron, can I point out that the Jezebel article in question does say that she "sent us this video from her personal email address" and (in that mail, I guess) "refer[s] to [her own] jokes as 'the greatest'"….