Chum Joely

What did you think of the mission with the infected sharks/whale in Nova Scotia?

Base Defense is a great mission once you get through the stupid-ass bug at the beginning. But as I just said earlier in this thread, that bug was so shocking and difficult to recover from (and I wasn't playing Ironman at the time) that it kind of broke my love for the game.

My kid (6) randomly acquired one card at the playground last week and now he wants to get a whole set. I never played anything like that— where would I even start?

Agreed. I loved New Vegas but Fallout 3 just didn't do it for me (I bailed out at some point when I got overwhelmed by feral ghouls during a Natural History Museum side trip on my way to Rivet City). Although Fallout 3 did have a much more awesomely ridiculous (over)use of the kill cam, which I found charming.

Confirmed for PS3. The well-known console-locking crash at the very start of the base defense mission kind of broke my passion for the game, and even though I know it's a great game, my attempts to go back still aren't sticking.

So, there's a Montreal mission in DX:HR.

Ico is so weird. I love the game even though I kind of didn't like any aspect of the gameplay other than the platforming/climbing.

Hatoful Boyfriend is so bizarre. For the first 2 hours or so, I was only sticking with it because an extremely trustworthy Gameological/AV Club friend (hey @Fluka) insisted that it was awesome. Then something clicked and I was addicted forever.

Is there really a "Hardcore" mode on Child of Light now or is that just the mode that isn't Casual?

Damn, Nick, this is a great topic. I feel bad arriving so late.

It's true, we've been "One Nation Under God" since July 4th, 1776 and never looked back! Until those gays started marrying. that is!

I love your commitment, Whovian. #neverchange

I hadn't played any Tex Murphy games before, but I am a big fan of adventure games from way back, and I fired up Tesla Effect with an open mind when I found it at the bottom of a Humble Bundle that I`d bought for other reasons.

I haven't seen The Incredibles, but I believe the claim was not that the villain himself was awful, but that the way he was written was awful. Note the comparison to Ayn Rand's crappily written "bad guys" who are caricature "left wingers" with literally no motivation other than jealousy of the creative libertarians

Me too! Dammit!

Oh yeah, Miles! He was such a jerk! I loved Miles!

Oh shit, I didn't notice that the Lightning had beat out the Red Wings. I don't follow hockey much, but the Canadien are in the playoffs, so it's kind of unavoidable here. I heard a guy at work saying on Wednesday that he really hoped for Detroit to beat Tampa Bay because every Detroit-Montreal match during the

I've been wondering about the FTL soundtrack— I didn't know it was actually available, but my real question was whether those tunes have any weight outside of the context of the game. Inside the game, though, I absolutely love the soundtrack, especially that "aw yeah it's on" feeling when you transition into one of

I have to agree with you on Sword & Sworcery. I'm pretty sure you're right that playing on a tablet would have been better— I played on PC and there were many moments that felt really weird to play with a mouse. But in any case, the soundtrack and occasional semi-epic "cut-scenes" (or just grandiose closing shots, I

For soundtracks, the choice is pretty obvious: Hotline Miami ("Crystals", "Paris", "Hydrogen", "Inner Animal"…) and Hotline Miami 2 ("Divide", "Run", "Voyager", "Miss Minnie"…) I also have the soundtrack to Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery on my iPhone, but I haven't listened to it much after the first week or so