Chum Joely

That could work, yeah. I tend to go with the school of thought that says, do everything you can to crank out as many satellites as possible as early as possible. Whatever gets you there is good, e.g. choosing missions that give engineers as rewards so that you can build the satellite uplinks sooner. Oh, and plan ahead

I have a bunch of recent acquisitions that haven't taken off for me yet, so probably I will try and set aside my unproductive obsession with FTL and get into some of those.

I already think you are incredible for managing an A+ run on Hotline Miami 2 on Normal. I got as far as, like, the third one (first Jake level) and just haven't been able to get higher than a B.

Getting those satellites up fast is pretty much my number one priority in XCOM. Drives down panic and drives up income. But remember— it`s best to never deploy a satellite before the very end of the month. If you deploy too early, you can be caught by surprise if a previously "safe" country suddenly has a surge in

The Wizened

A National Health Insurance


I'm just going to point out that I have never even reached the flagship, and leave it at that.

I'm kind of with Nick W on this one with his idea of "every game I ever play (and don't finish within a week)… but for the ones that fit more in the tone of the article, I have two subcategories:

Thurston Moore is an awesome guitarist and lyricist and all-around art punk. Kim Gordon is an awesome bassist and lyricist and all-around art punk. To all appearances, he was the one who fucked up as far as their marriage, but who knows.

"I swear, you guys, this fantasy is really the final, FINAL fantasy this time. For serious."

You did get the stick at the beginning, right? First time I played, I somehow missed the flaming stick that fell off a chandelier or something when I first got the girl from the cage… and yeah, you can't make it very far without a weapon. I eventually had to start over.

I would call you out for this silly comment, but I don't like to control freak.

Oh crap! Sounds like I missed boner time again!

Which totally fits with the overall aesthetic here.

I'm not sure exactly what this means, if anything. What I do know is that it's awesome, and so very… Deadpool.

Sweet, thanks man. I've added that to my FTL combat manual.

Technical language indeed. I will never forget having to wait around government offices for half a day upon arriving in Germany (at 19 years old) for my one-year Aufenthaltsgenehmigung… sheesh.

Probably all of them. It's kind of a "thing" with Stewie here.