Chum Joely

It did tend to spike violently upwards in the boss fights, didn't it? That is, until I randomly discovered the exact combination of characters and attacks that let me suddenly beat that same boss super-fast after losing the first ten attempts…

Child of Light: good. Transitor: INCREDIBLE. The upgrade system might be a bit overwhelming at times, and I kind of think that using the optional "Limiters" might break the game, but all in all, it's really fun with lots of different ways to play. Looks and sounds great too, of course.

I have never once gotten enough scrap on hand to buy a teleporter or a cloaking device. As for "fighters", do you mean "crew that can put up a good hand-to-hand fight", or combat drones, or some other kind of thing I've never done?

I just went back to HM1 for a bit yesterday, and I found the guns (and even "aiming" for melee) to be even less accurate in that one. Maybe it's just different and I have to get used to it, but I was getting clobbered in situations that felt like they would have been relatively easy in HM2.

Vielen Dank, ich suchte gerade etwas Interessanteres zum Internet-Gucken (auf Deutsch) als "Alles Muss Raus" im ZDF….

There's this one guy I used to work with who will live on in my memory forever as "Can't Stand The Silence" Guy. Any time he was not 100% actively involved in a conversation, out comes the fucking phone (and this included meetings at work). He was basically a nice guy, but zero attention span. Grr.

Right, thanks, I forgot about that. I'll try to locate it (having never done a mod or patch to a game in my life…)

I'm getting this weird urge to finally check out Knights of the Old Republic for the first time. Question for the group: I've heard at times that the second KOTOR is significantly better than the first, but is it worth playing them both? (See also: original Mass Effect, which I absolutely don't regret playing, even

On the upside, the rest of us can now profit from your suffering. Seriously, I'll be filing that little tip away for later use…

But… what're we gonna do unless they are?!

Thanks. That's probably it, although I see (Googling furiously) that both the keys of C major and G major have all three of those chords in them, just at different positions (Em at root vs. III vs. VI, for example). I wonder if the vocal line there is hitting a note that is unique to just one of those keys and

OK, so almost all of these are just the key change of going up one step as the song fades out, right? Yeah. Cheapest trick in the book. I think the entry on "I Just Had Sex" sums up what that particular move is all about.

More specifically, your point resonated with me about, why is it totally OK to just plow through rooms of men with a fucking chainsaw, nailgun, flamethrower etc.? Not exactly cool on guys' side of the video game universe either. And yet… I wouldn't want to give up violent video games or say that they are evil in

I don't really have anything to reply to this comment, but you've got me thinking about it. Thanks for that (yes, seriously).

I don't know what this actually means but even just making my best guess, it's awesome.

Mad late to the party as usual, but… right now, my favorite would be "motorbike demolition derbies with my 6-year-old son in the cargo hold of our flagship/hub in Lego Star Wars III: Clone Wars".

Play FTL. I'm playing it now and, although I'm still not particularly good, I love it. Zen space exploration to the max.

Shoot, I just came on board now for this exciting discussion. I love that around here, flame wars are immediately transmogrified into hugfests. ;) Sorry you should get singled out for, like, being a person who gets what Gameological is about.

I know you can get it for iPad (because I have it, and it seems like a pretty good port). But from what I can see at, no console versions.