Chum Joely

Great, there are definitely some points in there that I hadn't hit upon myself yet. Strategic use of pause is a good one— and ties into the overall fact that "coherent" is definitely not a word that describes my battle plans more of the time. (In fact "plan" may be pushing it a bit… I tend to improvise around 1 or 2

My dad & stepmom are coming up to Montreal to visit me + wife + kids, so I probably won't be doing a ton of gaming this weekend… other than a certain amount of Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, I suppose, to accommodate my son's addiction to the game. Obviously he only really enjoys it when playing with someone

I have to disagree, strongly. Some of the trailers for both games were done in live action and it's really not attractive at all in that style. Plus, the game is already an impressive narrative and interactive achievement, so no need to justify its existence with a more respectable movie adaptation.


Holy shit, I never made the connection to Smash TV. I am going to enjoy Hotline Miami on a whole new level now.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the weirder that particular decision seems. One or the other, guys.

Your last sentence really sums up what's great about the gameplay in Hotline Miami, nice one.

Hey,random question out of curiosity since this will never happen to me, but— To get that "combo continues to the next floor" thing, does it matter how long it takes you after "AREA CLEARED" to actually scurry over to the stairs etc? Sometimes I've had quite a hike from last kill in an area before I can reach the

That particular bit with the guys behind the crates didn't seem that bad to me (just pick the right spot to shoot each of them from a 45-degree angle or so; repeat as needed). I was definitely more challenged by the two stages before that (if my poor gaming memory is correct) both started with very open areas with

See also: Ani DiFranco

Well no wonder your parents are ashamed. I mean really.

It goes without saying that what really matters about Tori Amos is her music, which, to be honest, I have occasionally adored but am more often somewhat put off by. But since you mentioned it… oh my God how could the world's most impossibly beautiful and ultra-feminist redhead decide to go for disfiguring plastic

Yeah, that's just how I play in general. I tend to take a super-long time to really master a game, so the first playthrough of just about any game is going to be about figuring the game out. By about the 90% point, I usually have the basic mechanics down, heh heh. The cool part about that is that I go from that "Yes!

I actually posted about that somewhere else in this thread, it is the 15th scene, "Withdrawal". Yeah, I just died right away as usual on that stage and then whoops! Level not cleared!

We're talking about YouTube videos, so I'm not sure how "peer review" is directly relevant. I see on Wikipedia that she did write a master's thesis about similar themes in science fiction and fantasy, so she has done that kind of work in the past, FWIW.

(Nelson laugh) "AH-hah! We totally agree, dummy!"

Just imagine it! Total panic! Right there in Detroit!

Burl, we've got to talk about timing when it comes to your use of the "Ha ha" catchphrase…

Let's see. have you heard of "Operation Fairbank" and "Operation Mayfair", the Scotland Yard investigations into how various celebrities and members of the British Parliament had sex parties involving young kids, some of whom were apparently killed as part of the fun? That one is pretty much the lowest of the low…

with cello accompaniment