Chum Joely

As Steinbeck once said: "Nabokov gives fist bumps the only way they should be given: ecstatically."

You bet. It's an incredibly exciting and addictive game, and the descent into insanity makes for a great "story-like" experience even though the narrative really doesn't make a lot of sense. I am so incredibly psyched for the sequel…

Yep, that was totally it. Damn Reapers.

In my case, it unlocked various unpleasant digestive effects, plus a new ability to wake up at 2am too tired to do anything, but too awake to go back to sleep again. In summary, let's call the achievement "Burning (The Candle) At Both Ends".

A couple of things that only became obvious to me after a while:
- Using the "lock on" function (right mouse click on a target, on PC) makes life a hell of a lot easier. I didn't discover this until my second playthrough, having somehow missed it in the tutorial. DUH.

That sounds awesome. I have never played this game but I have sure heard a lot about HK47. Did he/it ever get his own spinoff game?

Yeah, I kind of liked the surveying in ME2. Totally better than the Mako stuff and… what was the equivalent in ME3? I think they kept the basic surveying mechanic but tweaked it in some way that made it less fun.

Happy birthday! I don't have a 3DS so the only game I even know on that platform is the one I worked on back in my Ubisoft localization days: James Noir's Hollywood Crimes. I think it falls in the category of "cult classic" at best— it didn't get the best reviews and I can tell you that the English script is way more

Happy birthday! I have always been big into Drink the Beer but now that I've 100%-ed it, I am taking a break. My evenings are a bit less interesting but mornings are a heck of a lot easier!

Hmm… Sci-fi Bully… can't figure out if that's good or bad. (Note, I only got 1/3 of the way through Bully before losing interest, but then again, it didn't have time travel…)

Dude, your city needs to buy a couple of plows. The cost would be more than canceled out by the boost in productivity for people like yourselves who get stuck at home all week for those baby snow days.

I'll be trying to get back into my collection of Nabokov short stories that I really want to read but somehow have never got round to since I got it for my birthday a year ago. So, partners in weird Russian literature?

Bit of insight— for me it usually means a cycle of AV Club, (until I am overcome with shame at reading that dumb site), CNN and/or BBC, then maybe a Wikipedia dive and then oh shit I haven't talked to my kids in 6 hours and what is that weird burnt smell coming from their room?

I just finished "playing" the charmingly stupid Hatoful Boyfriend right through to the bitter, unbelievably freaky end… so I am feeling a bit emotionally scarred at the moment. (Thanks a lot, @Fluka!) Probably time to steer back into more familiar territory by replaying some games that I already know and love. A bit

Sounds like it maybe wasn't just the movie that blew its wad too quickly…

Yup…. yup, I'd be down with that.

Hmm, I'm pretty sure it's wrong, in that the lack of dead bodies in this landscape of the show, while certainly "unrealistic", is not reflecting an unrealistically idealistic goal on the part of somebody who is trying to do the impossible. Which is what "quixotic" means.

That just happened to me and my head hurts.

It just seems that in general, useless Internet outrage and related bullshit is continuing to expand on a weekly basis. I am really eager for Peak Internet Outrage, as you put it… It's just getting really exhausting.