Chum Joely

I was actually vaguely wondering if she would respond along these lines. This had all the hallmarks of an Internet Entertainment Event, where controversy is whipped up out of literally nothing every day.

OK, I guess that must have been the intended sense, but the meaning I am familiar with is this one, which doesn't fit the context at all:

In case this wasn't posted anywhere else in this thread , here's Kirk and Spock enjoying some pie:

Off topic, but can anyone explain to me what the author was trying to do with her use of "quixotic" in the second paragraph? I don't think it means what she (from this context) seems to think it means.

This looks great, especially since it is slow as hell at work today. Thanks for the reference.

Did you get the Kill Star yet? You want overpowered, that shit is seriously overpowered. But, you know, in a completely awesome way.

I literally haven't wanted to play video games barely at all since I finished Transistor. At this particular moment of the year, nothing else is going to be as fun as the fun I was having with that game. But the last thing I did before taking my gaming break was to start a New Game+, and it's definitely cool and way

Heh, I had that same thought about the general spelling issue when reading that article, but I had no idea it would come in handy so quickly! Kudos!

True— if nothing else, the genre did give us the soundtrack to this otherwise completely awful boss fight in Alpha Protocol:…

"Behold." I'll be sitting over here. beholding this, beholding that… Just general beholding.


Yes, I saw that when I popped over to the Wikipedia page. I tend to be pretty clueless about who writes/runs/produces what for whom, but "known from The Simpsons and Futurama" definitely popped out at me.

Well, there WAS Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

They were mighty, god damn it! MIGHTY!

Apropos of nothing other than "intriguing vocal talent": Have you ever seen something called "Strange Hill High"? It's a weird puppet/CG animation hybrid with three early-teen-or-so schoolkids in England. It has Richard Ayoyade as one of the three ("Templeton"), and it's actually pretty bizarre and hilarious. My kids

D'ohhh, why you little—-! Hold me back!!!

Excuse me, but… "once and a while"??! That's even crazier than "all of the sudden" or "in one foul swoop"! What is WITH people and their inability to memorize fixed phrases with only semi-logical internal linguistic structure??

Look at this guy. He doesn't even OWN a Netflix.

Mighty robots, mighty vehicles. What's not to love?

You're right about Inspector Gadget (though I watched it a lot as a kid, that was mostly because it came on right when I got home from school as a latchkey kid).