Chum Joely

I haven't seen it in decades, but just this past Sunday, I spotted Danger Mouse: Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD at our big downtown library and snapped it up for the kids. Tonight is the only non-weekend night when the kids get to watch TV, and my daughter asked me this morning specifically whether this could be one of our

In part because it is not possible to be alive in the past or future, I suppose…

Here is a nice repeated example of accusative case with animate masculine nouns, here with Spast 'spazmo', acc. Spasten.

Rare are the occasions when, though surfing by myself on the Global Network of Computers Known As The Internet (or "GNOCKATI"). I should find myself laughing out loud. Today is one of those occasions. I thank you, sir.

Damn it, you crazy Gameologicons are going to convince me to play a pigeon dating sim at some point, I can just feel it…

I'm in Montreal and I waited with the kids at the bus stop this morning in -20 C (so… -5 F or something), not counting the wind chill. I think the only day they've ever had off for winter weather is when a water main burst and turned the street in front of their school into a raging torrent of ice water. (Also the

Nice. This is on my Steam wishlist and I am feeling a bit uninterested in most of the other games that "should" be next on my play list… so maybe I'll try Sunless Sea instead.

Heh, yeah, I think I would have got the balloon one even if I'd never played the game before… but the forklift one, I'm lucky that the 17-year-old memory somehow re-surfaced of how to solve it, because even once you "get" the solution, it's not even all that easy to pull it off. This game is not too great when it

Just finishing Grim Fandango myself this weekend (no, really for real this time). Did you have to resort to walkthroughs at any point? I ended up cheating for one puzzle in Year 1 which I should have gotten on my own (the last step in intercepting Dom's incoming contract for Meche), and then one in Year 3 (involving

I had the same feeling about a few different places in the game (note: I am just starting Year 4 so please don't spoil anything). You start out thinking that you've got a whole new world to explore, and then you solve one quick puzzle and whoosh, on to another tiny,self-contained segment. Rubacava in Year 2 was

Huh, with Analogue, I liked the story that slowly revealed itself in text fragments— to the point that I was actually taking notes off of the "bonus content" menu for further reading references on women's history in Korean society— but the game itself was ultimately pretty awful in my view.

Ha, I went through that a couple of weekends ago with my kids and Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 or whatever it's called. Personally, I find the controls in those games frustrating on the PS3, and downright infuriating on the iPad.

This explanation of the joke would be funnier if it contained funnier words, because the funniness of the words would extend to the sentence built thereupon and then that sentence itself would in turn become more funny.

Agreed! I have a bunch of what appear to be remixes or live cuts of her tracks— I downloaded them illegally way back when, and now all I can find are less interesting album cuts of the same things.Anyhow, "Blah blah", "Shhh" and "Ch-ching" (funny how all of those titles are sound effects), as well as "Random", are all

I just finished Transistor a few minutes ago. So, I think I'll be playing some more Transistor this weekend (New Game+, aka "recursion"), now that I know what I'm doing. One great thing about this great game is that the final boss fight actually put a significant new twist on the existing formula, so it built on what

I actually have to hand this one to the Internet. Although, I have to admit that I have never listened to Slayer before (turning 40 at the end of this year…?!) so the feeling of awesomeness may mostly just be about the discovery that this music exists.

Up- and downvoted simultaneously. A rare feat.

I'll go one step further and say it's the best idea he's EVER had!