Chum Joely

Man, you are so much better at this Revue Club thing than I ever was. Keep it rockin'.

Pagan, Pagan, Pagan. I regret that I have but one like to give to this Robyn reference. Love that album.

Ugh, I knew I hadn't been around here much in a while but didn't realize how long it had been (June, you say?!).

It's true, I am just starting out in electronics and I notice that I'm buying tons of extra stuff in my online purchases because of the "just in case" factor. And that's for me in a big city with multiple large independent electronics stores (although, sadly, all on the opposite side of town).

Didn't see it in the original thread, but great point from @louiebb about Jane vs. Kenny. I picked Jane, too, and for the same reasons (and I agree that I was "with Kenny up to that point").

But you can still order online from places like Mouser and DigiKey. Actually, I ordered something from DigiKey's site last Monday morning, received the "shipped" confirmation within an hour, and got the order on Tuesday afternoon. $8 shipping from their US HQ (Minnesota, I think?) to me in Montreal, and it took less

Yeah, almost everyone I know who's seen A Beautiful Mind thought it was bizarrely romanticizing his disease and encouraging people to go off their meds.

Some British MCs get it twisted— start sayin' "cookies" instead of "biscuits"…

That's probably it, actually. Good call.

Doesn't fast travel sometimes shave off some HP (modeling random encounters gone wrong), add to your hunger, etc. in some games, like New Vegas? Or was I just imagining that?

I didn't want to say anything weird, but yeah, same here. And finding out who did her voice is now another contributing factor.

Also, can I just say— Carla, the security check staff for the blimp line. Turns out she is voiced (wonderfully) by Pamela Adlon of "Louie" fame. Great voice work all over the place on this game.

Totally! I just talked to the worker bees down at the docks in Rubacava, and I didn't quite catch that his stumbling attempts to formulate the "Workers should control the means of production" idea was a clue until he started repeating it at inappropriate moments…

Forging ahead with Grim Fandango Remastered. My dreams of making it through the whole game without looking at a walkthrough were dashed pretty early on, after I spent more than an hour walking around trying to figure out the final detail of the final puzzle in "chapter 1" (trying to intercept the message that leads me

My logout message from my undergrad UNIX account in 1994 was a full-screen ASCII picture of Barney cheerily shouting, "SMASH THE STATE!"

Dude, beema… Seriously?!

Awesome. I bet he's got a small toolkit of perfectly honed phrases like that for the various common fan comments that he runs into.

Yep. They made Remember Me. Therefore, I will check this game out.

Ah, the confession letters— did you get anything out of those (game- or trophy-wise, or in terms of personal satisfaction)? I picked up a few and they seemed so random and unrelated that I didn't see the point… other than, y'know, collectibles.

First order of business is to finish Child of Light. I'm in what appears to be the final chapter— the Temple of the Sun— so there should only be one or two boss fights left. I have a party of like 6 or 7 people (creatures?) all at level 40 and up, so I'm hanging in there.