Chum Joely

I've heard of this phenomenon but fortunately never had to live it.

Well, OK, not YOU. You have to have the same tastes.

Duuude. You're allowed to have different tastes…

Well. All I can say is, it's now only a matter of time before we see the appearance of a Reposted Horse News Comments gimmick account.

Well, let me just say that I think it's awesome that you get to write this kind of article. This is even nerdier than your academic, yet relatable stuff from the Gameological era, and equally fun and well-written. More power to you.

So what you're saying is that you liked this workshop, but the other participants could have engaged in a more constructive manner. (nods)

I was going to call out the "I Hate When That Happens" guys. Those skits had an incredible ability to make me squirm with delighted disgust (I was… what, 10 back then? What years were those?)

Saw that game (and play) on live TV. Still suffering.

I believe the canonical example of that rap style is as follows:
I'm the master rapper and I'm here to say
I love Fruity Pebbles in a major way!

Hype Man:He loves Fruity Pebbles in a MA-jah WAY!

How bizarre. I might still have that lying around somewhere, unless I ditched it because I don't need the physical media anymore. Shoot, another example of keeping the wrong "collectibles" (TMNT figures from the 90s) and throwing out the wrong ones ("Darth Vader head" case full of Star Wars figures).

The first disc is pretty great too, at least the first half. Besides "Love -> Building on Fire", that first disc has "Clean Break" which is a fantastic performance and doesn't appear anywhere else that I know of.

Not sure where I am in the game so far, but probably not even a quarter, I would guess. I am flitting around the map trying to level up as much as possible before taking on the giant ("Step aside, or I will turn you into clay!" … sigh…). So far he has killed me and my clowny sidekick three or four times, in no time

For me, it looks like Bastion and Child of Light. I like them both so far, although Child of Light seems a bit more, well, lightweight and less compelling. Also, the (poorly executed) rhyming dialogue really is rather annoying.

"Of the best things in li-i-ife…."

I have to know where this guy comes from so that I can understand the source of his bizarre way of speaking English.

Ugh, that's way more dreadful than I thought.

The second measure of the Down Under flute bit is pretty much note-for-note identical to the first measure of "Kukaberra Sits On the Old Gum Tree", it's true. But in context, I never would have made the connection (and yes, I'm pretty sure I knew about "Kukaberra" at the time). The first measure of the Down Under riff

Good a time as any to shoehorn in a hilarious quote/paraphrase from Clarence (the cartoon): You screwed this thing up, so now you'd better screw it back down!

It means "laughable". I am not usually one to criticize people for using "two-dollar words"— film criticism is a specialized genre of writing, so it's normal that it should have its own jargon, etc.— but this is such a painfully obvious case of "use the French word for an existing concept to make it sound more