Chum Joely

Ah, but see, the answer to a comment that's a question is always "Yes, with you, in a greased-up 55-gallon drum."

I might have missed it, but there are two classic Aphex Twin (-ish) releases that don't seem to have been mentioned here:
- Ventolin EP (first I ever heard of his work)
- Mike & Rich/Expert Knob Twiddlers, which is my mind is known simply as "Aphex Twin vs. µ-ziq".

I would like some milk. Ideally from the milkman's wife's tits.

Yeah, it's kind of the line-reading equivalent of dropping the pizza at the end of the driveway and stumbling into a nearby ditch.

It`s true! Beautiful women cannot do anything serious! (high five) (goes home and drinks/cries self to sleep)

Whoa! I know HOCKEY!

Well, that was weird. The spectrograph overlaid on the image made it impossible to see the image, so you don't get to really see when she is lip-synching vs. not (I don't know the song, but I get the impression that she mostly slacked off on the chorus).

Ha ha, I misread "pop-culture site" as "pop-sculpture site" in your post and oh wait.

High V!

There was a discussion of Analogue on the Game Revue Club way back last year— when we were just starting out. Many of us didn't like it (although at least I liked the ideas behind it— the ones that Ge mentioned earlier in this thread), but Merve and some others were solid defenders. I will try to dig up the link to

— William Shakespeare

Never, ever listen to the words in an AC/DC song. It's all about the guitars. The lyrics always make me want to cry, or maybe laugh, or just hide in a basement and try to recover some scrap of faith in human intelligence.

I think that should have been "…before you Chiang Kai-wreck yourself". Liked anyway.

Jeez, it must be difficult to find time to sleep. Good luck with the therapy. ;)

I'm still not clear on when I get to acquire my own deposed Panamanian strongman, though.

I did borrow Dishonored for a weekend a while back, and liked what I saw. I guess I'm sort of waiting for it to turn up for free on PSN because I already burned through most of my games budget for the year.

Yeah, right now I am sort of in the doldrums in that I have not yet gotten far along enough to acquire all those augmentations. But I am taking the side missions and exploring offices etc. in order to build up my "Praxis" as quickly as possible.

I'm thinking of it, for sure. But I also have a certain amount of pride about difficulty levels. The only time I can remember setting the difficulty level to Easy was on Spec Ops: The Line after I failed one sequence a good 50 times in a row. Not to say that I won't get to that point on Deus Ex, but I am hoping that

Having beaten Mirror's Edge this week (finally!!!!), I'll probably be concentrating on Super Meat Boy this weekend. Turns out this game is pretty damn hard… and also awesome. I just finished the "Hell" world and made 2 or 3 tries at the first level of "Rapture"… and I'm a little bit intimidated to think that this is

Go ahead and get with Traynor. She`s nerdy and incompetent at flirting, which makes it cute, and also you get the comedy value of watching the Sexy Sexy Shower Scene where everyone keeps their clothes on.