Chum Joely

Yes, I noticed that— my reference for platformers is Rayman Origins/Legends, which work the same way. (NB, I am almost 40 but only got back into gaming recently, so please excuse the not-sufficiently-classic reference.)

Not a DS-specific group, actually, but a discussion thread within "The Gameological Society" group— sorry. Here's the thread for the original DS:

From Dark Souls to "The Entertainment"… yeah, that's a bit of a dropoff in intensity, I'd say.

In The Swapper, though, you can at least back out and go play any other puzzle of your choosing while your brain is digesting the other one. It's not so linear that you are absolutely stopped by a single hard puzzle, for the most part.

I got Remember Me for free on PS+ at some point— thanks to your description (you got my attention with "Philip K. Dick"), maybe I'll give it a try during my 3-week gaming free-for-all when my kids are out of town with the grandparents… even though Remember Me isn't even officially on my games list for this year.

Slow your roll, Whovian— Miss I-O might have been, like, kidding or something about the "wrong" factor.

I picked this up when it was on the Gameological Revue Club group on Steam (our most active discussion thread ever), and… yeah. You just have to play it. And it will be completely incomprehensible and very difficult, but you'll get it. As long as you don't just mash buttons, that's ridiculous… 8^) It's more like you

I played through that a couple of weeks ago. So badass. Although the ending was sort of limp— the climax as far as gameplay is clearly the "Labyrinth of Doom" or whatever with all the Running Dead guys, and after that it's just cutscenes and/or "epic" battle scenes where Rex is massively overpowered compared to

It's pretty good from a game design POV, and I think you will appreciate the story/philosophy of it. Plus there is a little moment at the end where you have to decide how your experience ends and it is kind of an awesomely twisted psychological moment. At least, it was with the particular choice that I made.

Aargh, that one was killer. I did internalize that particular puzzle because it was one of the ones that I actually solved in my head when walking home from work after spending my whole lunch break (and, most likely, some sneaky time in the middle of the afternoon) trying to figure the damn thing out. I have come to

Dude, I don't know if you live in a large city where this makes the most sense, but if so, what you need to do is go out to a cafe or bar to watch the World Cup final on a big screen with a crowd. Then it doesn't even matter if you know what's going on, because the crowd does, and therefore everything is awesome.

Heh, I always get out my copy of NHL 12 around the Stanley Cup playoffs, in the same mindset. Never works though.

Just to add to the awesomeness of Michael Mando: He is from Montreal and so he was able to voice the French version of the game as well. (The English performance is significantly better, though— in French you can definitely hear his "English Montreal" accent which doesn't fit the character so well.)

This Saturday, we'll be taking the kids down to the US where they will be spending 3 weeks with their grandparents. After that, there's going to be a lot more free time for gaming, so I will be making a pretty serious assault on my backlog.

Yes! Just looked it up online and that's where I got the shirt. Don't remember much about the food, though.

OK, I stand corrected. All I really saw of Santa Ana was the airport. Once I got down around Irvine, though, it was just one seemingly identical Southern California community after another (it seemed like every store I went to was technically in a different town, to judge by the addresses on their receipts) and I

There was a movie filmed there in the 80s called "Zadar, the Cow From Hell". That's pop culture, right? I had the T-shirt for that movie after a family road trip that happened to go through Iowa City. Got a lot of weird looks when I wore that one in gym class.

Heh, I haven't seen that episode, but I was in Irvine recently and… well… only Buster could think that's what Mexico looks like. (Was he basing his assumption on the 10% of street names that are in Spanish?!)

All right, that's it— Mike Vago, if you are indeed from Buffalo, then I think we went to SUNY Buffalo together. I used to DJ at WRUB under the name "Dr. Fish"… ring a bell?

But when I went home, there was a game!