Chum Joely

I kind of figure that this game is going to finish on an infuriating note, since an ending requires a boss fight and this game does a pretty bad job with the "fight" concept.


Well, as a resident of Quebec, I took off both Monday the 23rd (before the "St.-Jean-le-Baptiste" holiday on the 24th) and Monday the 30th (before Canada Day on the 1st), so that was two four-day weekends in a row for me.

OK, I figured it out. Fortunately for our friendship, Merrrrrve, your hint was actually incorrect. A truck was involved, as well as one of the lesser-used moves in the action arsenal, but it was not the elusive "hide" move.

There's a truck. And the hint thing says I have to go there. And also I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ME THE ANSWER MERVE!!!!

If you're feeling spendy ($20), how about XCOM: Enemy Unknown? Or Faster Than Light for $10? Or on the cheaper side (< $5) there's always Year Walk… or The Room (1 or 2). I've loved all of those for iPad, not sure about availability on Android.

Right now I am stuck at a place that I know I got out of before (although I am close to my furthest progress point from past playthroughs). Right after you get out of the sewer, there's this fenced-in yard with tons of cops shooting at you. Don't tell me the answer, but aargh, I finished last night's session with like

Yeah, I also just realized that time manipulation is not the only sense in which you can manipulate your environment in unexpected ways. That immediately unlocked a couple of pieces for me. And I am getting the hang of how to use the various "time-proof" elements like keys, locks etc. Jeez this game is a mind-bender.

I finished Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, which was way shorter than I expected… but every bit as awesome. I guess it would have been neat to finish that on the Fourth of July. AMERICA.

(Leaves "like" on table, sprints in opposite direction)

Said it here many times before, but the skydiving scene in SR3 set to Kanye West's "Power" is permanently ensconced as one of my Great Gaming Moments. And I don't think I played more of an hour of the game after that, so maybe I'm missing out on further awesomeness.

Do like I do and assign yourself a ridiculously unrealistic amount of reading as well. Just to maximize that "drowning in awesomeness" feeling.

Many of those are on my "intrigued" list (i.e., the sort of thing that sounds kind of awesome but that I would normally only buy on a mega-sale of some kind). I Have No Mouth…, for example.

Aargh, you guys, I am trying to manage my backlog and HL2 was the first Steam game I ever bought but it was years ago before I was even marginally good at FPS-type games so now it's just sitting there in my library and I would actually be good enough to have a go at it now but I can't because my backlog but damn it's

I played episodes 1-3 and so I am stuck waiting around for episode 4. I weighed my options and decided I just had to play as Clementine right now and let the unknown wait time be damned.


Absolutely. I just played through Walking Dead Season 2 and Kentucky Route Zero at the same time, and I definitely felt that commonality between them. It was mentioned in a review of one of those games here— possibly the one you linked to (no time to check now, I'm busy pretending to work)… the idea that your choices

The comment was aimed at @Monkeylint:disqus since s/he already mentioned having bought it, but heck, you'll probably like it too 8^)

Same here. But the first act is nothing compared to the next two acts (and the "interstitials" that Girard refers to above/below). Incredible game, or experience, or whatever you want to call it.

Seconded. I bet you'll also like the Stanley Parable.