Chum Joely

My backlog is so outrageous that I'm not even trying to add anything more at this point. Also, I am still pissed that I bought Crusader Kings II (for the Steam/Gameological Game Revue Club) at the price of $40 and discovered a week later that I had managed to do so in the one week out of that month where it wasn't on

Spaceteam really is incredible fun for such a simple, goofy concept. I've played it all of once because I don't have friends in real life— I just happened to be at my brother's apartment so he supplied the friends (one of whom was later profiled in Polygon for his game dev work, oddly enough). Highly recommended.

Liked for the sentiment, but liked first and foremost for "Cool your tits".

I'm sorry, but clearly the funniest moment in this video is "Finally, you're starting to smell what I'm stepping in."

Why are they making me talk about somebody's fucking dead dog before we go into an upbeat record?!

Yeah, you are talking about ELIZA. That was the first "chatbot" and it immediately fooled lots of people.

Yes. I used to work at Ubi Montreal. It is absolutely appropriate to blame the home office in Paris (well, Montreuil, technically). Those jerks know that the Montreal studio's unique Montreality is the source of everything good that's come their way in the past several years, but they still can't keep their damn hands

My wife and I got married at a courthouse in Oakland the day before we moved back to the East Coast. Then, we had dinner at our favorite Cambodian restaurant nearby. As I like to tell people when the topic of expensive weddings comes up, we spent about $150 on the whole thing, including the parking meter.

OK cool. Probably part of the issue was that I wasn't getting it right away, and with my brother watching me play, I got incredibly self-conscious and bailed out before taking the time to discover some of that stuff on my own. Anyway, thanks, should be useful for next time.

Works every time.

I sensed that there was an obvious pun, but somehow couldn't put my finger on it for a ridiculously long time either. So basically, no, it's not just you.

Premature fan-fictulation is the worst.

Well, that and the bourbon.

I am good with jumping but absolutely hopeless at other common gamey actions ("aiming" comes to mind in shooters). So, yes. There's still hope for me as a game critic.

The Swapper?

Oh I get it. You guys meant "pinochle".

Well, it is Infamous.


Fair enough. He is kind of cute.

Does the spray can mechanic let you create graffiti that's visible to other players through the miracle of online play? Maybe a big bicycle-themed mural scrawled over with "TROY B. IS A BIG OLE SLUT", just to get this point across even more effectively.