Chum Joely

Yeah, might as well go with the fact that John Teti is a bit of a maniac when it comes to studding articles with videos. A veritable studding fiend, one might say.

"The Slapdown, Slapped Down"

Yeah, the autoplay is not a good feature given that so many of us do come back repeatedly to follow the comments. Is there a way to turn the autoplay off, or at least limit it to the first time the reader lands on a given page?

Thanks Derrick. Yeah, I figured that it was semi-intentional as a learning experience ("this is what happens if you don't reserve your powers and run away often"), but the way I discovered that was by getting it wrong, then being forced to bail out of the mission in a weird way and start over. After a few tries (I am

First of all, let me say that I can't get enough of The Computer who describes the game in the pre-recorded summary. It knows nothing about either humans or video games, which makes its comments totally hilarious. Hold on to that one.

SORRY, Tennessee!

Straight Outta Compton: Please Don't Make Fun of my Butt

Yeah, I am not really into the blues but that track kind of rehabilitates the whole genre in my mind. The loud distorted solos are fantastic, but towards the end he also does some pretty nice improv variations of the main guitar line over the verses. Just a really nice use of classic electric guitar all around.

OK, I'll try this out.

Wasn't the official classification switched pretty recently? Kind of like how we suddenly went from 9 planets to 8 a few years back when they changed the rules for what counts as a planet?

He's getting too old for this shit…

I haven't played this game. But after reading AJA's explanation of its bizarre dream logic, I'm imagining Link in a darkened room, being asked four questions by a mysterious horned owl:
> Do you like hurting other people?
> Who is leaving messages on your answering machine?
> Where are you right now?
> Why are we

I make various grunting noises and kick the wall periodically, to encourage that impression. MUST NOT KNOW I PLAY FTL

I think I can resist the urge to squeal (combo breaker!!!) but this does look pretty awesome. I was just about to post to the WAYPTW thread and ask people what I should play next after XCOM: Enemy Within, now that I've taken a serious liking to the whole turn-based combat thing. So, Bastion and Transistor are now

Well, this is my first time really trying this strategy out properly, so I guess we'll see how it works. It might turn out to be an overreaction, but a couple of times on Enemy Unknown, I had basically one good squad that did absolutely everything, and when I lost a few in one or two consecutive missions, I was left

ALERT: I'm posting this a bit late in the process, but some of you may still see it…

I developed the crew rotation strategy in order to feel more secure about the inevitable moment when two or more of my top people get mowed down in short order in a later mission when it's way too late to replace them from scratch. So yes, I do feel a lot more confident now that even if/when that does happen, XCOM as

Pretty much the same as last weekend. I'll be putting in a little time on

God, that crunching sound when you drop a clone on the ground. Haunted my dreams.