Chum Joely

Doesn't seem to have been our most successful Revue Club game. Probably time for a new one.

Heh, every day at lunch I have been sneaking off to an unused office with my laptop to play FTL for an hour. People are noticing. It was more fun when I worked at a video game company and I could just play right at my desk whenever I had nothing to do.

Have you tried XCOM: Enemy Unknown in that regard? The iPad port is actually quite nice. The only thing missing are a certain percentage of the smaller cutscenes, but I don't miss them much.

FTL is still in my plans for this weekend, but I'm still at the stage where I kind of keep doing runthroughs and enjoying them, but I'm not getting any better. Eventually, something will click and I'll try some new approach that suddenly makes things work out a lot better (current candidate: getting a drone controller

Also, I love this from your link:

I saw that movie and was completely traumatized. You're kidding about the romantic comedy thing, right? please tell me you're kidding?

Certainly not me!

Didn't notice the John Teti byline at first, but I knew it was him when I got to "Nobody needs that much lube! Certainly not me!"

Thanks. It happens that I've finished that ME3 playthrough now and I'm back to ME2 already. It will probably be a low priority on my gaming list for a while, but I expect to keep whittling away at it regularly, so I should be able to crack open a New Game+ in Mass Effect 3 before long. Can't wait.

Symptoms include uncontrollable squatting and face-scrunching.

Psst, AV Club… Weltschmerz != Schadenfreude. Let's use the right German loanwords for the right overly specific psycho-emotional state!

Back when I was working at Ubisoft Montreal, I spent a while "between projects" and I happened to be seated next to this team— only about 15 people at the time. It looked really awesome then too, and I'm glad to see it's shaping up so nicely. Not altogether surprising, though, since it's the same UbiArt engine that

Yeah, I just finished ME3 two days ago (at 7am, after staying up all night with the game), and I was really annoyed by the Synthesis ending. I was torn between Destroy— which was very desirable except that, indeed, it would kill EDI and also the geth, who I spent a fair amount of time defending over the course of the

I agree completely (even though there are actually 2 or 3 of these a month, in rapid succession at the end of the month). There's always some fun repartee at the beginning and end, but the middle bit with the actual game review is typically too short. MORE DIGESTION!

Well, darn… Electric Dragon and I are tied. I`ll try to get older HNNNNGHH …

Where are you at in Alpha Protocol? I got stuck at the halfway point, put it aside for ages, and then figured out Chain Shot or something and whipped through the second half of the game. I finished it a few weeks ago and I was surprised to find myself wanting to start it right up again immediately. What a weird,

I wonder if there's a theatre someplace around the Citadel where I can watch the full movie of "Blasto 6". Or at least some real, animated trailers (not the poster w/audio clips from the Presidium Commons). Watching a buddy-cop movie with a rogue hanar cop and his worn-out elcor partner (just 3 solar days from

Yeah, that Liara scene was very nice. Once in a while, the BioWare people pull off a convincing "cinematic" moment even in the non-action parts. The last shot of that scene, where Shepard and Liara lean back on the couch to look at the time capsule, was one of them.

I believe the issue was that you have to play through all the same missions again. From what I've heard in discussions here, you basically have to do two complete playthroughs of the same stuff before you officially "finish" the game. Bizarre.

I never did finish Mass Effect 3 last weekend, because the Game of Thrones season 3 DVD set came in, and that has consumed all my late-night TV time with my wife. We finished that series last night, so now I am almost completely certain that I'll finish ME3 this weekend.