Chum Joely

Any game with a Playmobil version of Hunter S. Thompson saying "THE HUMAN MOUTH, A TAPESTRY OF HORRORS" is all right by me. Maybe I'll check this one out if/when it's cheap.


Yeah, pretty much. Even for those who believe in God, Why is it so impossible to just admit that the people who wrote down the Bible were, indeed, just people, and therefore could only understand/explain their "visions from God" in terms of the conceptual vocabulary that was available to them at the time? Now that we

Probably, but none of us could be bothered to go look up the actual statistics.

Don't subscribe to the newsletter though, it's just too extreme. Margaret Atwood/Harlan Ellison slashfic. That's just one example.

Liked because I have no idea what this means, or indeed even whether it means anything at all.


Oh man, thanks a lot. I already have a problem where pop-culture detritus from my childhood— I mean the really dumb jingles for obscure products that I never actually owned or wanted— would swirl up at dull moments and torture me for hours. This song is one of them. Now I'll be dealing with this for days.

Yeah, that's what I figured— I used to work in video game localization actually. I still find it bizarre that Polish is so frequently localized on the audio side. I was disappointed not to have Japanese.

I'm gonna guess he works at Oswald of Carim's "Absolution R Us".

What platform is this?

Yeah, the original game didn't have that many armor/appearance options, and then EW suddenly had a ton. Including the fedora and a couple of insane hairstyles. Good stuff.

Oh also, Fluka, I thought of you when my Shepard had a (strictly platonic!) outing with Garrus at the Citadel. Shooting targets from the top of a bridge in the middle of the Presidium. That was really a great character moment and made me feel like these two characters were really friends, much more so than with just

Yeah, I don't have any of the DLC and I don't currently have the money or HDD space for any of them (I have been bingeing on PlayStation Plus games). I will definitely pick up Citadel eventually, and possibly From Ashes. But I am so damn eager to finish this game/series that the DLC might have to wait for my second

Also, you should have a Heavy called "Murder Cop". Thank you.

I haven't got as far as the fishing village (I've only played about 5 missions in Enemy Within), but there was one awesomely messy locale where a UFO crashed into a city center, like right in the middle of downtown. It was just a maze of destroyed buildings and several of my best guys died and that was probably the

Sign me up, sign me up! As an Assault guy, preferably, but we can talk about the details in the group. But can I please request that you give me the white armor with a fedora instead of a helmet? That's my favorite combo of all the awesome new armor customization options in Enemy Within. I applied it to my Assault

Fluka. Play some ME3 multiplayer this weekend— I'm looking for level-up buddies (note: I am on a PS3). When I played last night, nobody was using voice chat, so you probably don't have to worry about that annoyance.

I think this might be the weekend when I finally finish Mass Effect 3. Unfortunately, since I'm not usually the type to look at the game manual (paper or e-), I only just learned yesterday that my "readiness rating" for the final conflict depends on playing the multiplayer. So I may have to spend a big chunk of my ME3

Not altogether surprising— the first game (I own but haven't played the second) was among the most ham-fisted writing I've encountered in games. (Note: I don't play Japanese RPGs…)