Chum Joely

I feel like that site deserves to be just flooded with whatever combination of trolling and rational and/or emotional arguments that would be most effective at disrupting their little pity party. "Oh no, society has changed over the last 50 years. Let's sit in a corner and cry about how it's everybody else's fault."

"A mysterious web page about a Ghost Blimp disappeared from the internet in 1995 and reappeared just as mysteriously in 2014— with its white-text-on-complex-light-blue-background design still completely intact"

Holy shit dude, I went to that site and found this within 30 seconds:

It's Tyrion— he has terrible pounding headaches and/or vomiting for many days, when he can't get alcohol as a castaway running away from the aftermath of certain unpleasant events involving his dad, a toilet, and a certain other character whose presence on the scene was pretty shocking…

And in the French version of Dora the Explorer, the badly-spoken second language of all the Mexican-looking characters in their Mexican environment is of course… English!

Yep. If I and/or my (female) Shepard weren't so into women, I could totally see Thane or Garrus. That world-weary, sensitive manliness. Cool guys.

"Check what to do if need be" is where it's at for me. I sometimes start games, get a ways in so I am well past the tutorial, but then have to drop it for ages because of other life constraints, other gaming interests, or whatever. If I can't reconstruct what the hell I was doing or even what the control scheme is

We're all friends here, folks. You don't have to hold back, just tell us what you're really feeling.

You know what, you're absolutely right. I did burn up a lot of medi-gel on bringing her back to life when she died repeatedly (inevitably on the far end of the battlefield, so I couldn't physically get to her and revive her without First Aid)… but on the other hand, Singularity, which on reflection probably won the

I saved the mom, then shot Butch.

I prefer mine with some gravy fries. But ultimately, it's the pollo asado that I really like the best.

Man, I got sick of Antichamber after a while for that reason. At some point I have several different paths open but I can't remember all of them, so I just felt like I had no idea where I was in the game progression anymore. I am no longer sure whether I will ever go back to finish it.

Ha, really? It's true that it has been the hardest part so far, but as near as I can tell I am less than a fifth of the way through the game. I guess I just got lucky by picking it as my very first side mission after the Menae/Palaven mission.

(projectile vomiting)

As bizarre as it seems, I think I will. My main problem with this game is that it occasionally makes me really dizzy if there's lots of fast turning, to the point where I have to literally walk away from the TV quickly so I don't start feeling nauseous.

I will be playing as much Mass Effect 3 as I can possibly manage— maybe this is a good weekend to try this thing I've been thinking about where you reset your sleep schedule by just skipping one night of sleep altogether? Anyhow, ME3 is getting to be pretty fun now that I have gotten used to the moderate changes to

Thanks Merve, I was going to post about that too. By the way, we've also got Dead Space, Psychonauts and the infamous You Testament near the top of the vote list, so this one could go in a number of directions.

Sir, I respectfully disagree (About the game as a whole, although the tutorial was not exactly great). And I'm not just saying that because I just bought Mirror's Edge last night from the PlayStation Store so that I can finally finish it.

Hey, it's OK. Some people have a way with words, and other people just… not have way? I guess?

That's a lot of pudding. A WHOLE lot of pudding.