Chum Joely

I could totally imagine some kind of crazy Saints Row scenario starting from a tongue frozen to a flagpole…

I thought Drew's point in the article was that Clem didn't know that. Clearly it was them, but did she see them? I didn't notice that moment that @PaganPoet:disqus mentions.

Not only a Harden, but a GAY Harden. This movie is really going to be cutting-edge, you guys.

Before I go off to vote on the various polls, let me announce that it's time once again to vote for the next game to be Revue'd on the Gameological Game Revue Club on Steam! Here's the link:

Those mad fools, not being brought up in the spiceologically correct culture. Fortunately, you're morally superior because you like a variety of food that is considered an acquired taste in your part of the world. Good work.

Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?!

Mission… accomplished.

I read that as "make $1467.00 a day from my crotch". Which is just a whole nother thing.

woah there hitler: Receive 20 downvotes on a single post in the Games section.

Behold, children: Grandpa's achievement collection.

Good point, that's probably one of the more bothersome things about him in the linguistics realm. I sort of wonder if he even realized that he was being influenced by others in those cases. It's definitely not evident from his writings.

You're welcome. Say hi to Leela and Bender for me.

Yeah, you know. Just so the kid won't be disappointed. Think of the children, won't you, @Smilner?

Theory: The crowd of kids were American and the announcer is Canadian. They pronounce their "A"s all funny up here. Just ask anyone who's ever had to pick up some pasta in a Mazda Miata.

Uh, but how do I progress in the game, then? Am I supposed to go way back to arrival point in Lordran and take a different branch? Or are you saying that there's a stairwell or something that I missed on the side of the bridge, and I need to go there instead?

I have decided to put Dark Souls aside for the time being, despite being the nominal host of the Game Revue Club about it, because it's kicking my ass slightly too hard and I have a backlog to work on. I got past the Taurus Demon (yes, I'm still stuck THAT early on), but then lost 5300 souls or something when I took a

Well said, Marquis. Well said. The round avatar box worked nicely with mine, too. Probably time to adapt to our new, more rectilinear era and get a new avatar.

Both great books. I am amused but not too surprised to hear that Women/Fire was used in a library science class (right?). George's stuff really gets around in different disciplines, and he definitely does everything he can to encourage that.

You should totally ask George Lakoff about that. (hides behind desk) (gingerly hands out copy of The Linguistics Wars)

Ha, who knew I'd get wow points one day for hanging out with that lovably irritating old schlub. 8^)