
Two words: Marvin Miller. The NFL has never had a Marvin Miller-type to directly go against the owners. The only time the NFL owners felt any type of pressure wasn’t from the Supreme Court or strong union reps like Miller. No, the only time the NFL owners felt any pressure to cede any control came from other team

NFL player here. You are spot on about the impotence of the union. Dom touched on it briefly at the end of his article, but the real crux of the union is the wealth disparity between “stars” and the journeymen. Because of this growing disparity, neither class of player has an incentive to strike. The stars want to

This is a whole lot of words that give a whole bunch of irrelevant explanations. It’s not the salary cap, and it’s not the injury risk, it’s that the NFL union has done a far worse job over the decades than their counterparts in other sports. Nothing whatsoever prohibits a market where all NFL contracts are guaranteed

I, for one, am just glad we still have the CIA to defend our interests in democratic institutions and ideals at home and abroad.

As a fake internet attorney, let me preemptively address the knotty legal arguments from those who would ask “What about his right to free speech?”: Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot


To be fair the wife and kid probably wanted him to go back to work. I mean could you imagine spending more that a day with that guy?

“What’s the best way to deal with paternity?

Watching Rachel fucking Maddow, of all people, applaud the airstrikes last night was fucking appalling.

We can’t get it together to be happier than Finland? The place is a land of snow, darkness and pickled fish. The national sport is suicide.

Reason I keep coming here is to occasionally stumble on a new piece of writing from Nolan about Boxing. I can actually do without most of the snarky hot takes, although I do enjoy Drew taking hard lines on dumb shit (because it makes as much sense as most hard line stances taken on “serious” subjects).

I was three paragraphs in before I realized that the answer to “How to punch a puncher” was not “join a union.”

For a bleeding heart, commie, pinko liberal, you sure can write about boxing.

Are you thinking of Adrian Peterson? Different guy.

That’s why I tell my newborn son to never put anything on social media, because you never know what future employer could see it and decide, “hmm, maybe there are other fish in the employment sea.” The conventional wisdom goes, if you don’t want to live a bad life, never have fun. Might be sad, but like Megadeath

You went to college to LEARN? You poor, poor soul. You go to college to get a piece of paper that costs $30,000 and gives you the right to apply for jobs you won’t get unless you know someone.

The whole division of labor in higher education is weird. I went to a college where there weren’t really any TAs- the people hired to be professors taught the classes. Why the fuck would I pay 30,000$ a year to have some bored grad student who is 3 years older than me teach? Especially when that person is getting

Counterpoint to your fucking wall of text: it’s not a big deal.

Honestly, even conspiracy theories aside, the guy’s barely literate. He won’t read intelligence briefings longer than nine bullet points long.

Oh, hello there in black and white young child world. Nice to meet you.