
I just came here to say that Fried Chicken is overrated. always has been. Even the best fried chicken is just alright. I’d take a fried pickle any day over fried chicken. mozzarella sticks are also better.

Marvin Miller of the MLBPA is the patron saint of pro athlete unions. he’s the one that needs to be studied.

that’s the same in every sport (or business for that matter)

perhaps one way to get around this would be to have the Union set up some sort of fund that would be paid out to players who miss out on earning potential due to a lockout or strike. They could amass a pretty big strike fund pretty quickly. That’s what I would recommend. Tell the players they have nothing to lose, and

this is true. but the real reason the Union is weak (IMO) is because the average career is so short. When the average career is 2.5 years, players aren’t willing to strike and miss one of those prime years of their athletic careers (and their peak earning potential).

“Waltman, who as of last year was living in Chester, Pa”

or that socialist nations are happiest.

America is sick with capitalism. we are sold a million products that marketed to us as something that will make us happy, from drugs to cars to houses to self-help books, but all of those things only make us less and less happy. because you cannot buy happiness. but we cannot accept this, because we have been lead to

huh, I thought it was butt-sex that made the Roman empire fall?

I wonder if Golovkin deliberately decided not to destroy Jacobs so that Canelo would be more willing to accept a fight with him. Canelo’s team is only going to take fights that they think he can win. GGG may be playing possum, toying with opponents, in the hopes that Golden Boy let’s him eat their Golden boy alive.

ahhh.... I see HamNO also listened to Chapo Trap House this morning. Nice.

maybe his wife is perfectly fine with that. people have all sorts of relationships.

remember before you went to college, when you imagined that college courses were taught by great, wise and learned professors that looked like Richard Dreyfuss and smoked a pipe?

Nope, Never heard of anyone vacationing in Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, or Jackson Hole. All of which are located in Wyoming.

starring this if for no other reason than the reference to the grammys confusing megadeth and metallica.

I’d be more surprised if he even actually went to Penn at all.

the long term answer to solve that problem is universal basic income. the choices are either that, or the guillotines will come rolling out.

“White collar workers do not unionize. In general, they are treated well by their companies.”

I am a Union Representative. Trust me, Union employees get fired all the time. you can do whatever you want as management in a union setting, as long as its fair. bad employees get fired, even ones in unions. I see it literally every day.

despite what movies like batman and ironman may have lead you to believe, billionaires are not interested in saving your or helping you. they are not your friend. billionaires, elon musk included, are self-interested people. like most people. the employees here can’t rely on elon musk being some futurist super cool