
Instead of making ultimatums, Hill should have realized he can’t make Brady into a person who doesn’t do anything that threatens his ego, and either walked away from the relationship or did some hard thinking about the difference between “setting boundaries” and being too insecure.

I read this story on MSN and the Washington Post, and still had no idea what was going on. A commenter at WP cleared it up succinctly: “Those of us in the international adoption community can guess exactly what happened. We’ve seen it before. The adoptive mother is an attention seeker with a savior complex. The girl

Nancy Drew was a heroin addict?

Huh - she does look good there. Good catch.

/sidles up to a barstool/

I didn't realize people have been criticizing her middle. It looks perfect to me. I like her body (except for the add-ons).


Not sure they know what sex is.

Sad that your dad's phone was stolen, and sad that your sister got that phone call. So sorry. :'(

Nice :)

Family members who've met him/Demi/their friends have good things to say.

They'd be in a pickle if they did that.

((((( HUGS )))))


Yes, please.

Kesha documentary? I'd rather stare at her brother Lagam Siebert for 90 minutes.

"Live my truth" = Do what I know I shouldn't because it feels good

A coworker was changing her baby's diaper in the womens' restroom. The baby happened to grab and rustle a plastic shopping bag. I playfully covered my ears and winced.

That was my read of it also!

The Internet belongs to you now!