
You don’t see Grant Gustin behaving like this!

The ukulele version of Somewhere over the Rainbow.

No, he just insisted that everyone else move in slow motion.

Behind the curve, man.

That is a bold claim indeed:

Career” options aside, everything you highlight has been around for awhile.

She is so good in this. Honestly, just because this show is so incredibly earnest to the point of schmaltz, the level of acting in it is often dismissed. It’s got, pound for pound, some of the best drama performances on TV right now, and it bums me out that it doesn’t get enough attention.

Yeah I feel bad for the Horizon series. I absolutely love both games but every time something huge comes out a week later and steals it’s thunder 

I’m not a fan of JAJ’s trump either.  Don’t get me wrong--it’s obviously very good.  But that’s the problem.  I avoid coverage of trump like the plague because I can’t stand do look at him or hear him, so I’m not trying to see an accurate depiction of him on a show where I’m trying to relax and laugh.  Just leave him

you are welcome Lieutenant Wiseass-Snark

Actually, I think even the youngest of the original cast was in at least their early twenties. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)


Mickey Rooney: Still dead.

The reveal of Chris’ cut-up face after tying the helmet to the raccoon was great, as was Economous’ line. :-D

I woke up at 5:45 AM eastern to walk and Feed my dog to then watch this at 6:30AM. Mother fucker was this great!

My dog always stares at the screen when Eagley is on.

yeah but they’re both movies about guys in a media who don’t know they’re guys in a media who find out they’re guys in a media.

Or did you mean the -SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE TRAILER- copy of Herzog de Meuron’s 56 Leonard Street but reworked with the footprint of their Beirut Terraces project?

“stops the film cold to shamelessly work in some recognizable IP. (No spoilers, but remember that Disney absorbed 20th Century Fox, the film’s distributor, a while ago.)“

Zak Penn writing this points to a better comparison, I think — Penn was one of the people who came up with Last Action Hero, which is also about a person programmed for entertainment learning about his subservience to the “real world,” and has plenty of “amusingly reproduced cliches” in its action-comedy. That movie