
2009 apparently! wow

I feel like if someone forgets the name of someone they were married to for even 17 days they may have some kind of drug and/or memory problem. (especially if kids are involved)

Yeah, I have a couple of daughters in their 20s who are Swifties and they were super excited to hear a longer version of the song and one of them told me the online fan community was too. I can’t really call myself a fan but she’s a decent singer, has some great lines here and there in her lyrics and her music is fine.

Wish we could see those in Canada.

Just the idea of Mellen and then Sudekis in the blond wig had me laughing out loud -- my wife watched the regular Ellen show and she was laughing the whole time. (Also the vaccine ‘prank’ was funny.)

I’m a newb fan of these guys (since about Human Performance I think), I hope to see them live one day...I skipped a local show in early 2020 and have been kicking myself ever since. (They’re booked for a return early next year, I hope the pandemic’s over by then.)

I kind of expected her to be worse. The monologue delivery was pretty bad, timing was Not Good, but at least she got through all the cue cards and some of the jokes were amusing. Then the Aladdin sketch she was even worse if possible, it was all about the effects and costumes. I think it picked up as the night went on

Loved the “bitch” line and the delivery into the mic, even rewound it to show my teen who didn’t understand why asking to game in class is even funny.

The actress playing her is great, so far the only other thing I saw her in was as an FBI agent -- maybe she only plays agents. (She was good in that too but it wasn’t nearly as much screen time.)

Oh wow, yes, he totally has Ted Knight vibes.

I mean, they could use a good ass guy...

Yeah, I wonder what he’s going to do next.

I’m about halfway through Rivers Solomon’s Sorrowland and not sure how I feel about it. Mostly good, some weird stuff is going on and it’s taking a long time to explain it.

Maybe not *that* scary but I really liked Stephen Graham Jones’ My Heart is a Chainsaw. (I love Hendrix’s stuff although I still 

I always keep meaning to read Please Kill Me.

My wife said that too but it didn’t look like him to me.

I thought Samberg was really great in that scene too. Almost makes me want to see him do some drama.

The statement “And while new columns only come out once a week, RSVP, there are enough old columns in the archives for you to read a brand-new-to-you column every day for the rest of your life.” makes me feel like either Dan is bad at math, or he knows something about RSVP’s health that he isn’t letting on...

I was on the fence, talked about it with my teen/young adult daughters who saw it with me and they think it’s a friends thing. I mentioned how she had her head on his shoulder at the funeral and how they linked arms to follow Wong but they were still not convinced. I’d kind of like to see more movies with platonic