
I don’t know. I have always had my cats fixed, but they have also always been indoor/outdoor, and have tended to live around 18 years or so.

I especially love the cats destroy our ecosystem argument when humans are the ones that do the mass destroying. Hypocrisy is nice.

Exactly. These people act like it is natural for there to be so many fucking songbirds fluttering about outside their window without any predators and are happily ignorant of the fact that we are drawing those birds into urban areas.

Why is it that you feel entitled to not have to share the world with other animals? It isn’t enough that we’ve driven most of the native wildlife deep into the wilderness, but you can’t handle having possums in your neighborhood? Please explain in detail, what awful burden you experience from animals like this or the

They ARE outdoor animals. By nature. They are just as inclined to be outdoors as raccoons, squirrels, etc.

We get it. You hate cats. Since you’re just reposting the same crap from June of this year again, I’ll just repost my same comment from last time:

I started with three barn cats, and 10 years later I still had three barn cats without having to cull, because I got them fixed.

feral dogs do indeed exist. Romania has a large feral dog problem, and here in the U.S., Detroit does as well.

uhm, no. the reason cat owner let their pets out is because cats dont generally run around biting everyone and into traffic.

I don’t think you should bread cats. I don’t think they would do well to deep frying. Kinda tough for such a quick cooking process.

more bullshit anti-cat propaganda. owners are more responsible...

Cats Humans kill billions of small mammals, reptiles, and birds every year. In environments where cats humans have natural predators, like coyotes sharks rednecks polar bears bees rednecks, this isn’t a problem. But left unchecked, cats humans can become an invasive species that damages local ecosystems.