Enjoyed him back when he was part of XTC.
Enjoyed him back when he was part of XTC.
Not for nothing, but could we please have Laura record an album of disco songs in Spanish? The "Blue Bayou" she performed a few weeks ago, this version of "I Will Survive" tonight… That, or maybe give her a spinoff show. I'd watch that.
One nice touch in this week's episode… the producers remembered that Kermit plays his banjo left-handed, just as he did in the Muppet Movie. Also, FINALLY we get to hear the Rainbow Connection! Cross that off the list.
Spock would have beaten Chewbacca two games out of three in Enterprise 3-D chess…
Wow, no mention of any of the Animaniacs "Finger prince" sketches?
Most fans who see the face prices for Super Bowl tickets feel like outcasts.
In the crossover movie, it was revealed that when Titanic sunk, it didn't turn its frame all the way vertical, so it got jammed up on an underground trench and blocked a possible four-line level clearing score.
In other news, Kellie Osbourne apologized for her recording career, and will make a sizeable donation to a hearing aid company.
This planet protected by Lebanon Levi.
I believe Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five also appeared on that SNL 80-81 season. Blame producer Jean Doumanian for many things, but credit her for seeing that hip hop and avant-garde music deserved some network love.
You know, at that time in music history the Village People were one of the top selling bands in America. Could you have imagined a show called "The Village People and Jeff"? I smell RATINGS!!
I wonder what Freda Gatz would think if she realized that Lucious essentially gifted her a sloppy seconds rhythm track that was supposed to be for Hakeem. Or maybe the track was passed through four other artists before it finally ended up with Fred, for all we know. That track may have been off Lucious' first album…
So in the future there's a way to bring dead people back to life and solve their murders? Hmm, not like that's ever been done before on prime time television… Tru Calling… Ghost Whisperer… Medium… Pushing Daisies…
Why don't they hire the crew who do the New Voyages series and save time and money?
This just in - after getting paid a gazillion dollars by a soft drink company, Ray Davies re-recorded "Lola" so that the original lyrics "tastes like Coca-Cola" have been reinserted into the song.
Meanwhile, Blue Oyster Cult is thankful that Toho hasn't come after them, or the band would be down to two songs on their Oldies tours.
They may be goofing around on Wikipedia, but over at Yahoo they're serious.
It would have been so much funnier if that haunting song that brought Fozzie to tears was "The Rainbow Connection." That would have been a great meta-moment.
I'm still holding on to my hypothesis that at some point in time, Pandora will release a new, more powerful Headless Horseman / Abraham van Brunt to terrorize Crane and Mills and Sleepy Hollow. Don't forget, Headless was captured by Pandora in the first moments of this season. Perhaps every black rose that grows on…
I'm waiting for that superproject collaboration where Ralph Bakshi, Gene Deitch, Richard Williams and Don Bluth all bring their characters into one superfilm. I won't understand the final cut of the film, but the animation will certainly be breathtaking…