Much better visual
Much better visual
Really. And society hasn’t collapsed on itself, you say?
No maple flavor? Nor denim? I kid, I kid :)*
Thank you, Jeff Sessions ;)
What happens at Baylor, moves to Vegas.
I realize this is the smarter, deeper implication of this reporting – and thanks – but what do Canadian Girl Guides sell outside the grocery store? No-bake-carob-pepita bars? Health care credits? I feel okay never having heard of this outfit before now, and respect their decision to boycott their southern border.
Bathroom surveillance report: tacky
“Blame the victim”
Are you talking about blacks? Why pussyfoot around it? But we’re not talking about basic crime, we’re talking about 2A “patriots” who wrap themselves in the flag when they want to get off on killing – mostly – minorities, actually. So nice try and fuck off.
Is this ironic, meta, kafka-esque or dashiki? Discuss.
Maybe she was trying to snuff it, and Mango foiled her, forcing her to continue her aged suffering merely for the moment.
Trust, but verify.
Fools rush in.
To put it another way, Florida legislature is seeking to put the burden of proof on the state prosecuting a Stander Yer Grounder, that they were in the wrong; instead of a citizen-patriot having to prove that they were in the right, as it has been thus far. A distinction with a massive difference, and a regressive one…
The Iditarod is for suckers.
Sounds like Jordan Peele has found his next plot outline.
Gunga Din
Thanks for posting a shorter column this time out- some of those other earlier super in depth posts wouldn’t even load on my phone. Easier to digest, too. The future is stupid, I’m sorry to report sir. Keep up the awesome work! -A Kinja’d Citizen