Dr. Clem

Tires (or Tyres if you suck up to a Monarch) burn great. Good for the environment. Burning a tire produces less waste and is more energy efficient than any other disposal method other than slitting the top, painting it white and making a planter.

I’d love to Bryce as a member of the Yid Army!

SKYCLAD IS THE SHYTE! Love me some folk metal. Korpilkilani, Cruachan, and even Alestorm. Making me a playlist for the ride home tonight. My father would have been in heaven on that flight!

Mack: Wonderfully written. I shed more than a little tear. But don’t worry your brother will live forever through your stories.  Something about that Country is magical and it has shared its gift with the world through its writers.


Oh God the level of ignorance in this article kills me. He’s no more Roma than Brad Pitt in Snatch.

At what point do the Shankill butchers turn these into heroin?

So 2% is not acceptable percentage of African heritage to use a commonly used the word? If its not enough, what is?

How does Malort compare to Fernet Branca? Is it as “drirty” or medicinal/chemical?

The skins are bringing in southern scabs to show them who is boss! Just like the 1920's when the company bosses opened hiring offices in Appalachia to teach the unions a lesson ( and introduce to the Northeast the quaint suburban concepts of green water baby pools/hydroponic mosquito farms, scattered sun bleached

Do you think this guy suffers any tattoo regret?

That was truly an epic night. Did anyone else just have that feeling of ease with just a hint of satisfaction? I had 3 jersey wearing falcons fans sitting behind me and no one really bothered them all game. They said that even in the scary Linc parking lot people were welcoming and friendly.

Does removing the tailgate still get you 10% better gas mileage with the bed cover installed? 

Great Catholic bashing!

Making all of Delaware and Salesian gentlemen proud!

Mercedes Benz 1979 300 d had it for 10 years. Cool car , but could nt get out of its own way.

you’ll be sucked in to the corvair vortex... whole lot of fun...

IS that the dude from Weezer?

I just got a tear reading this. I still am having a real hard time wrapping my head around what just happened. THE EAGLES WON THE FUCKING SUPERBOWL! The weight of years of almosts, should’ves and god damnits have been lifted from my chest. It is freakily exhilarating. I went to be around 2:30 but all night I would

Where is Piels? WTF!