Jerri Blank



Welp, the store manager won’t be needing that The Buck Stops Here motivational poster anymore.

Yeah, but...don’t be a dick.

But it’s a metric 10.5M.

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

*rubs eyes* Weekend BCO? WEEKEND BCO!!!

This is the culmination of the Christian Persecution Complex right here; the discriminating bigot is the martyr.

What a weird line to draw. ‘Sure, we hanged black people for looking at us the wrong way, but I don’t think kids today would be able to handle the fact that concessions were sold...’

Imma guess the Illuminati cut you off before you could finish

That alias is amazing.

It’s sad, but not at all surprising. I’m a small business owner, and many of my suppliers are men. About a year ago I created the alias ‘Dick Berns’ to use in purchasing. Since then I’ve found that on average my orders ship 2 days faster and cost 6% less when the person on the other end of the transaction thinks that

is eagerly taking advantage of the unsupervised open space below to post your unneeded, unwanted and ultimately entirely impertinent opinions about the post or Gawker in general, I won’t bestow upon you the validation of acknowledging your individual poorly-thought-out and selfish comments, but I will say to all of

You know how after a mass shooting there will always be someone from the NRA that says “it’s the wrong time to talk about gun control” but the right time is never defined? Gawker will never have a ‘right time’ to talk about the context of that article.

Wait so the guy who has written critical pieces on how the media (In particular Stephen A. Smith and Katie Couric) have covered Floyd Mayweather doesn’t want us to be critical of a journalist who committed a major fuck up simply because he’s friends with said journalist???? Ok.

econdave is right, on a personal level Tommy may be a nice guy but professionally what he did with that article was horrible. Ffs can’t they just acknowledge it?

Poorly thought off selfish comments? Like the ones your BFF made after he was held accountable for reddit level doxxing off a man who works for your competitor? Ya it’s not his fault that he approved an article that’s sole purpose was to shame a man for having the “audacity” to want to have sex with a man. An article

I read it. I’m sure Tommy Craggs is nice to his friends and kind to animals. But that doesn’t excuse the egregious (and that’s too mild a word) ethical travesty that transpired, that Craggs is partially responsible for, and that no one on the Gawker Media editorial staff seems to want to acknowledge. There have been

This is the first sensible commentary to come out of Gawker since the whole fiasco last week.