
Your cousin’s mom sounds like a real Spanfeller* but that’s probably unfair of me.

I guess I identify as Just Dress Nice.

Weddings are out of control. Young people, you do not need these giant fancy ass weddings. Save your money for your future.

Just have some food, booze, and dancing, and invite people you like. Stop feeding this Wedding Industrial Complex marriage machine.

That’s true, but I wonder if it wouldn’t at least be the start of a better system for taking these videos down. It’s a small change, but having a policy to violate may give you something to build on, while throwing your hands up and having no policy just keeps the status quo in place. 

my wife’s sister’s douchebag husband (I refuse to acknowledge an in-law family connection with them) wore a suit and tie that matched what my groomsmen were wearing to pretend he was in the wedding, then proceeded to talk down to everyone about how he went to Harvard. If I wear a suit and tie I make sure to never do

I recently went to a wedding in Charleston, SC that was at first noted as “black tie optional” and then the invitation said “BLACK TIE” in bold. So I dressed appropriately, only to find that at least half of attendees did not abide by the dress code. Even the groom did not strictly abide by it.

where a “concerned parent” discovered them and alerted an impacted university.

A) I love the use of quotes on “concerned parent”

The worst one I ever encountered was “Western. No Jeans.” WTF? Do I just wear a string tie and a Ten Gallon hat (neither of which I own, and I already bought you a gift so I’m not buying single use clothes for this) with a suit or something? Western and No Jeans are a contradiction in terms.

I got married a week and a half ago and it was a brunch wedding. We didn’t specify dress code on the invite, but everyone effectively went with “just look nice” and it was extremely easy! (some friends did text me to confirm, which is a perfectly acceptable way to convey this information too.)

What can I, as a reader, do to support you guys? You already have my click on every single Deadspin article, should I just share on Twitter/Facebook/whatever? Does commenting help? Should I keep opening and closing the same article?

I like some specificity. We attended the wedding of my wife’s childhood friend at a very high end winery in Sonoma (my wife grew up nearby). Wedding invite said “formal”, which being from the South, means black tie to me (plus it was at a very fancy venue).

A few summers ago my friends held their wedding in Hudson NY in the middle of July where it was crazy hot and humid so I wore a jacket & tie with shorts. All the other dudes attending were both very sweaty and envious of my sartorial choice to go formal up top and casual on the bottom. When LeBron went half-and-half

Black tie optional” is the worst one to me. It’s basically saying “please come dressed up extremely nice, and wearing a tux would be a good idea.” Fuck that shit. If you want me to wear a tux, tell me to wear a goddamn tux. Of course, weddings that I have been to that were “black tie optional” were in places like

I feel like setting your wedding dress code as “yacht party” is just a way to figure out how many of your guests have coke habits.

I see you guys are on strike, and we’re here for you.

> NO. Semi-formal, just like all of these other terms means absolutely nothing. None of these words mean anything.

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