
They also threw a 60’s era gas tank at the Mando when he was climbing up the crawler. This leads me to believe that Jawas are just Craigslist incarnate 

True, but on the other hand upper market cars tend to depreciate pretty fast and somebody has to take that hit. Thanks, numb nuts!

The Australian Cattle Dog doesn’t get to ...enjoy the cows on the way.

If you have a penis, you might as well measure it.

You might want to take a basic intro to econ course there, champ.

Considering its condition, $16K doesn’t seem outrageous at all. If this beauty was a local vehicle, I would have been very tempted to write a check.

The Mahindra is wholesome and good off-road fun. This ruling is dumb and bad. That’s my take.


Wait, are we getting blamed for something again?

I understand that this is mainly picking on a ridiculous New York Post article (which is probably redundant), but I feel like this great movie is now balancing on the precipice of being a poster child for a bunch of hot button political topics, and I only ask: can we not?

and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

I still prefer it to the little thumbs up on my comment

Really, what modern truck - especially with an off road package - has a bed with easy access sides?

I was about to mock the complete lack of side access to the bed, but then I remembered the side rails of a modern Chevy or Ford 4x4 is over 5.5 feet so I guess by that metric, it’s exactly par.

Well, I preordered one... $100 isn’t a huge bet to place on it. I’m lukewarm on the looks but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that this will off-road better than my Ranger 4x4, drive 300 miles before charging on country’s biggest supercharger network, and tow my fun car to the track, all for $20K cheaper than a

The correct car to leverage this take at is the Ford Flex.

Part of me admires the brutality of it, the raw unedited and unrefined brutalism of it speaks to me.

However, the other part of me has eyes.

I’ll wager it isn’t hard to find a Prius owner in Conifer Colo. Just move a few dozens Subarus or Jeeps out of the way and there they’ll be :)

Subaru? Ha! I get 8 MPG in mine! EIGHT.