
They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E. 

Another Tesla hit piece from Jalopnik. You wouldn’t even be writing about a car being locked to a Supercharger if it weren’t a Tesla! I haven’t seen a single post on Jalopnik about other cars locked to Tesla Superchargers.

Hey now, the mustang’s getting long in the tooth. C&C crowds have become wary of attacks from the side.

How about we just ban salt on the winter roads, and come up with some other solution (literally)? 

Aren’t you late for a protest or something?

If we’re getting anything good these days, it’s from unions.”

I would say the more likely explanation is that the owners are using the profits along with the investment money to expand their reach and build more “vending machines”. An investment firm that is able to provide many millions to billions of dollars in capital would audit everything through a fine tooth comb to ensure

Whatever that trex is eating it ain't no velociraptor. According to my main source of dinosaur information, Dinosaur Train, velociraptors are thought to have feathers. 

As a car, this is worth negative money. Just the parts to put it back to right will cost more than the eventual finished product.

I’m just envisioning an interior design session that wraps up a tour of the final models and sketches of the Esprit and everyone’s kind of leaning back in their chairs and there’s a moment of somewhat extended silence and then a question raised:

Some folks think we should have laws allowing unions but no laws against illegal strikes....and they’re livid about it to this day 

Are we sure that a Buick didn’t just rear end the jeep and shove the jeep frame halfway out the front? Rather than fix it, they simply chopped off the parts sticking out front and rear and “braced” it with the rebar.

I had no idea that merely tying a noose was so bad. I have tied many nooses as a useful-if-a-bit-overkill-no-pun-intended knot and had no idea that it would be so offensive.

Once I discovered how, I tied nooses in dangling ropes and strings many times in my 48 years of boredom. I’m 99% sure that I tied one in a garage door rope before. I’ve also played that “hangman” game dozens of times. But never once had a thought about lynching or anything race related entered my mind. I’m not sure

I remember as a kid that I used to tie ropes and extension cords into a noose. It had nothing in my mind to do with slavery and lynching black people, it was because Robin Hood Prince of Thieves had come out on VHS and I was watching it religiously.

I would probably walk right by that and think nothing of it because, get this, it’s just a pull rope. I’ve seen plenty of very similar knots used for pull ropes on garage doors, trailer doors, pull-down attic steps, etc. and I’m pretty sure none of those knots were tied with any ill intent. They’re good for dragging

I’ve tied a noose a few times as a kid. ‘Pretty sure it didn’t mean anything then. Pretty sure you’re an judgmental....

Actually you do...or at least bored kids did when I was a kid. Not for a merit badge but when you learn knots that’s one of them and goofy boys found it fun to try to tie the noose knot just to impress themselves and their buddies.

The real reason this is a no-go for a first time driver is the fact that it’s a wagon.  Teenage pregnancy is no joke.  And before you say this car is ugly enough to qualify as birth control, well, you’d be surprised.

What car has a lifetime warranty? People replace engines at 150,000 miles regularly ::Stares in Subaru::