
“You always want to go by what’s come out of his mouth rather than look at what’s in his heart.” — Kellyanne Conway defending Donald Trump - 9 Jan 2017

Kellyanne “Alternative Facts” Conway

MichelleInMinneapolis - “... most male congressmen who are voting on health care laws don’t have a full understanding of how women’s biology actually works but feel they have the right to make laws that effect all of us?”

Ugh. - now with SPLINTERGray(TM)! - KEY BIT: “Cohn also showed Trump how to exploit power and instill fear through a simple formula: attack, counterattack and never apologize.”

Sktroop - “They’ll just claim the New Yorker story is more “fake news” because they know that Trump is a true Christian believer, regardless of his words or actions.”

Now playing

Jerry-Netherland - “ ... it’s kind of heartwarming knowing everyone in the room has read her book except Trump ...”


Sorry to have to reply here to omnichad, this page ONLY is so slow right now it keeps timing out

Like you, the personal information thing, so I will not give my real address.