
Melania Trump married for money, she got money.

I do not want tRump gone or impeached. pence is MUCH more dangerous, he knows how congress works. I want Cadet Bone Spurs to spend his last two years as pretend POTUS in shame, powerless, with a Dem controlled Congress able to do any veto proof thing needed to Make America Smart Again.

elpaco13 - “So go around and spray those vintage Willies Jeeps at concours events to check authenticity”

Where was the outrage then ? Why didn’t these outraged R’s speak up then ?

Melania Trump married for money, she got money.

Where was the outrage.

Cheese of Brick - ‘erupted-anus pout..’,

cdwag14 - “ brain dead evangelical(s)“

If this is in Sandusky, Ohio, they should be checked for tics after being in that field. Lyme and other diseases are no joke.

A “mouth” full of shit is exactly what I think of when I think of d j tRump.

donald tRump Butt Plug ??

Donald Trump is the president most likely to be despised until the heat death of the universe! In a hundred thousand years, our post-human descendants will still curse the anniversary his birth! Alien races across the galaxy will use “Trump” as a vile epithet, synonymous with their most unpleasant bodily functions!-