A Classy Thomas Newman score- -”Nothing to add besides a Dr Strangleove gif, my terror, and I’m going to be smoking prodigious amounts of weed in the meantime.”
A Classy Thomas Newman score- -”Nothing to add besides a Dr Strangleove gif, my terror, and I’m going to be smoking prodigious amounts of weed in the meantime.”
A Classy Thomas Newman score- -”Nothing to add besides a Dr Strangleove gif, my terror, and I’m going to be smoking prodigious amounts of weed in the meantime.”
AuntBeetsyredux- -”My heart is crying.”
AuntBeetsyredux - “The last one, “Murder in Mississippi,” has a couple of different iterations. Hauntingly beautiful (I’m not sure “beautiful” is the best description, but I can’t think of any other way to put it). “
eowynsdottir - “Trying to get in some “Hey, I have a soul!” footage in the news before he repeals DACA next week.”
Angela Helm - “I know! I might have to check Mad out again.”
I find that picture works for almost any subject, any thread.
Not Enough Day Drinking - “At what point do these people come to the realization that they’re part of the gubment they hate so much? “
Rooo sez BISH PLZ - “Just not the inside of your left wrist.”
Rewind4ThatBehind - “And trust me, most Black people do not want war. They want peace. But it feels like no one wants to hear that request.”
Mortal Dictata - “Well it’s probably not good optics when it’ll no doubt emerge he’s probably sexually harassing and cheating with Hope Hicks.”
Asus2255 - “No, he needs an Obama statue to be commissioned, constructed, dismantled and then a statue of himself placed on that spot.”
q-pa - “The door’s right there, Donald. Nobody’s making you do this.”
STLOrca - “An infinitesimal amount compared to Dolt45.
STLOrca - “An infinitesimal amount compared to Dolt45.
Little Big Shots