
I would assume that anyone that reads Jalopnik is an automotive fan and general supporter of the industry. I fail to understand why people want to see a company, who is trying to bring a new, exciting vehicle (and brand), FAIL. “Are you not entertained???” Same goes for Jalopnik... a company is trying to bring a new

You don’t have to. Just 25+1 people need to understand the point (although there’s probably more really really ridiculously rich people who are kicking themselves for not being able to secure a Regera, and hope to get on the next Keonigsegg dream project).

The question is not whether pasghetticode is “that guy”. The question is whether the Prius failed to yield to the Camry, or whether the Camry failed to yield to the Prius. The only way to determine that is to figure out who had the right-of-way.

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Lincoln made powered ones in the ‘80s. Why can’t someone do it now?

Can you do a similar article on electrical safety?
I’ve been involved with electric racing cars, and for full EV/Hybrid cars the rules always require multiple layers of protective circuitry and HV system state indicators for the driver and outside people to protect them from high voltages in case of accidents or

Honestly I dont get all the hate for Musk. Yeah he says and does some pretty questionable things, but you cant argue with the fact that he really does try to change the world for the better. 

I have nothing negative to say about Musk opening his checkbook for a cause we should ALL be able to agree, is worthy but the fact that an individual/company is doing something the government should be doing, for something that we can all agree, is a basic necessity, is abhorrent.

How many times have you done such a trip? I wouldn’t be surprised if you said zero. But even if you’ve done it once or twice, I highly doubt you only stopped to just fill up your car and that was it. I’m sure you if you had done this before you would have stopped at a hotel, or stopped for lunch, or dinner, or

What’s the difference between H20i and a hardware store?

It can't do vertical take offs actually, and I wish the article would correct this. It is capable of short takeoff and vertical landing.

Because the infrastructure required would be astronomical compared to the Supercharger network.

Given that charging time only matters on long trips, and most people only take, what, a couple of those a year, I think this is generally blown way out of proportion.

“You can learn alot about humanity from what appears commonly on PornHub. “

So you recognize that your noise is obnoxious and will cause people to hate you, but go ahead and force every to deal with it anyway as long as you’re reasonably sure that those people won’t be able to find you and confront you about it?

They’re innate to Harleys though. It’s incredibly rare that I see an HD that doesn’t sound obnoxiously loud.

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How can I be the first to post this, seriously????

I wish the states would be that proactive. It really is a problem.

Ahhhh, excellent point. Fuck those fucking things indeed.