
teslas have better braking performance than just about anything else in the price/type range. so in terms of crash avoidance, youre wrong. the fact that the system will stop the car even if youre busy picking up your xxxx that just fell on the floor, only adds to its safety system.

some peoeple were huge haters of the

its important to remember that it takes LOTS electricity to just REFINE a gallon of gasoline from crude oil. the electricity needed to refine that gallon, can power an average EV to drive over 26 miles! which means that before the gas car can even turn its engine on, the EV has already traveled more than the gas car

i would like to know more about the battery tech. what size is the pack? how do they cool it during the run?
something to consider, as the altitude rises, it gets harder and harder to cool the batteries due to the thinner air going through the heat exchangers. so BEVs do suffer from some power loss up there.

are 100% of these shots computer generated?? so lame. i hate this trend.

how do we get on an email list or something to find out about these tours? thanks

i dislike this idea very much. i do not trust the russians one bit to keep that floating disaster from rusting out and causing yet another nuclear catastrophe.

Now playing

modern evs can all wade through a lot of water.

having the privilege of working with 1000hp+ electric cars, i can state for a fact that they make an exhilarating sound.
lets not forget that ICE cars displaced steam powered racing that made a lot more noise back in its day.
change is the only constant.

i own and operate lasers for concerts and such. i can guarantee you that none of the handheld lasers youve ever seen are over 3000mw, most are likely 50-500mw, which is already more than strong enough to be problematic. for reference, a brand new 20000mw RGB laser unit uses over 600w of power from the wall, good luck

So many haters on here, I think this is great news for an EV company doing exciting things and creating lots of good jobs here in America.

speed ratings are not the same thing as treadwear ratings. google it. one is semi arbitrary, and the other is closely calculated and tested.

go back under your bridge...troll

i HATED that driver, he ruined the show for me, i would mute the show during his segments. looking forward to giving season 2 another shot.

db drag racers can easily hit in the 160s db in daily driven cars, the really serious purpose built vans hit in 180s (now THOSE are insane). a single danley TH118, with a single 18" driver, weighs merely 163 pounds and can hit 149db.

yea lets get some real numbers on this!

the answer is LIDAR, by far the most capable sensor available today in inclement weather. the FF91 and many other future vehicles will have LIDAR sensors alongside cameras, ultrasonics, and radars.

a great article on jalopnik, im surprised and impressed and pleased! more of this please!

Raphael is the biggest FF hater in the industry, maybe someone pissed in his coffee or something.

no money was given away. its all FUTURE tax breaks if the company succeeds.

why is jalopnik hating on FF so hard? its clear why this state treasurer is badmouthing them (its a political move against the governor, whom he hates).
at the very least, do some proper journalism, the state of nevada has NOTHING to lose in this deal, if FF succeeds then nevada wins, if FF fails, nevada doesnt pay a