It really needs to be Everything is Free vs. Getting a Raise.
It really needs to be Everything is Free vs. Getting a Raise.
Trump’s approval rating is approaching the percentage of fuckwits in America. They may only be a percentage or two apart, but I doubt his approval will drop below, say 33%. Those idiots love that he lies all the time, love that he’s destroying America, and love love love being assholes just like him.
Duuuudes, honestly, why not have a statue of Paul Walker (or anyone else for that matter)? I would have authorized them to hold their own fundraiser, with cool bands and local food trucks, to raise the money for 12-foot steel Paul Walker. And if they come up with the money, give them a space along the boardwalk.
Yikes. Really?
While this does sound romantic to me under certain circumstances...
Also, if that’s his mug shot, best mug shot ever.
I wonder if they have open carry for guns there? In that case, even using the mask for an excuse seems lame if they are afraid of the sword.
Trump will say anything to get a blow job.
They had help from both sides.
0/10 for trolling. Sad.
Soundcloud is a great place for non-commercial artists (like me) to make their music available to their “fans” (friends and relatives), but I don’t know of anyone actually making money from it (which translates into Soundcloud not making money off of fees).
The father’s picture should be next to the definition of “neckbeard” in the dictionary. Also, the little girl in the stroller wants out of that family so bad.
Maybe they should rename it ACA+, put back the provisions that were removed, and take credit for “fixing” Obamacare. I’d be mad they stole the name, but people would benefit, and then we can get on to waiting for a Democratic majority for it all to morph into Medicare for All.
No vote, so no tally. I don’t think we’ll ever know just how many were against it or who would have voted against it, because, knowing the bill was going down anyway, they were likely to lose more votes as politically savy Republicans voted no just so they wouldn’t have to campaign in 2018 on a yes vote.
A valid fourth option!
Double plus good!
I wish I’d be so honored.
Any God that can do all the things the Fundies say he can do should just be able to snap his fingers (he does have fingers according to their rules) and make everyone 100% cis-hetero, right?
It just means SCOTUS will have to at least look at it instead of automatically affirming a lower court decision.
Albertsons pulled them out in our town. Safeway still has them. Not because of that, but I tend to shop at the Safeway. (And I avoid the automatic terminals.) They’re both Albertsons brands now, so it shouldn’t make a difference, I guess.