
Its insanity. Nobody wants to be accountable anymore.

You like me well enough to let me drive your car, I like you little enough to sue because you got money. Nice friend you got there

i did a dumb and got hurt and it's everyone's fault but mine!

This is dumb!!!

The mileage isn’t really a gotcha, it’s a clear point in the contract. There’s really nothing tricky about them.

Correct. Postpartum retardation affects both sexes.

I agree with you in general here, men on sites like this often blame their wives for silly things. On this site, it’s mostly about CUVs and automatic transmissions.


1: He just needs to admit he made a mistake and deal with it. The cost is going to be the same anyway because if he buys it the car will be worth about $4k less than the buyout AT LEAST.

“The wife wants a bigger SUV type vehicle while I am panicking about the $4,000+ fee for the over mileage”

Considering Boomers are the reason the car market is fucked. Probably a boomer

Men of the internet: Stop saying it’s your wife’s idea to do something stupid, like taking a $4,000 penalty so you can buy an SUV. 

There are really only two ways out of this. First, you can buy out your lease and hold onto the car for a while. The longer you keep it the more likely you will get into equilibrium between your trade-in value and your loan balance. Option 2 is you pay the overage and get something else.

Letting all that happen for $4k is a really bad idea.

Put the car on jack stands, throw it in reverse, and put a brick on the gas pedal. Problem solved.

Depends on the car and how you drive the car.

How did someone think a lease was a good idea when they put 70k+ miles on in <3yrs?

“There are really only two ways out of this.”

I mean, you could at least attempt to provide either better context or another side of the argument. There is likely far more information that what is presented here but there is no issue with having an independent contractor working for you at a price the hiring agency sets and both parties agree upon.

I know that you are rooting hard for Uber and Lyft to be forced into paying and treating drivers as employees, but that’s not what’s going to happen, no matter which way this legal battle goes.  Those ride share companies will more likely cease to exist in their current form.  Something new will arise in their place.