You forgot the cheap part.
You can get a silverado 1500 Work Truck - regular cab and 8 foot bed - for that same $25k right now after discounts.
It is already illegal (in Maryland) to drive with high beams on when people are around. I don’t understand why people think that they can get away with breaking one law by breaking another. Probably because I have never heard of someone getting pulled over for high beams.
If more states do this, I wonder if manufacturers will start spinning off new brands for their electric cars. Ford won’t sell electric cars, but they bring back Mercury to be their electric car brand.
How hard is it to fake a New York title? It seem like due diligence to check the validity of titles of cars being exported. If they cannot be validated, then should the feds just trust paperwork?
That’s how Toyota marketed it to them, and they ate the marketing up.
I see them a lot of 2012-2015's in the upper middle class neighborhoods. The people that can easily afford a loan on a new Suburban, but can’t quite pay cash for it. My thought is that they wanted something different, and wanted to save some on gas.
It’s interesting. Mustangs, Challengers, Chargers, Infinitis are what you could call cheap speed, or a democratization of power. You don’t have to spend supercar money to get what was supercar performance not many years ago. They’re accessible, and that means they’re open to a lot more shitheads who will do dumb…
I didn’t get it - until I had a kid. These events probably sprang up from a bunch of people wanting to shoot the shit about cars, but their family keeping them busy. Make it at the crack of dawn on a weekend, and you get home without missing too much family time.
The biggest problem at Katie’s is parking. Both in finding a spot, and r107s pulling out without crushing a Ferrari.
I swapped my Mustang for a Mazda3 when my kid came along. The Rear facing seat makes the front passenger seat very tight. I should have gone with a Mazda 5 or something bigger.
I have used winkeyview from NirSoft and it seems to be trustworthy.
You can grab the office key off the system and move it to your new computer. Microsoft hosts downloads for the newer versions.
Wife’s 2012 had the third clutch pack fail at 96k that was replaced in 2016 under warranty. Less than a year later it needed another replacement at about 110k. That wasn’t under warranty and was going to be something like 3k.
They have a list of the most driven cars by Meteo area so. This one stuck out to me:
They wanted a Rhodes Scholar but ended up with a Road Scholar.
I did this in my SDL. I either tied the parking brake wire to ground or a hot wire, and the head unit thought my car always had the parking brake on.
I completely agree that the numbers don’t pan out in favor of shutting down Pike’s Peak. However, I wouldn’t base it on comparing an event that runs once per year having less deaths than a race course that runs throughout the year.