
I still predict that this will end with a win for the taxi companies that created the need for Uber and Lyft in the first place and a loss for the average consumer.  

You are not a gear head, and yet you read and post on Jalopnik. Somehow, that doesn’t make sense.

Except that the McDonald's brothers did serve burgers. Many of them. Long before offering franchisees to sell licensed product under licensed branding. Uber has never been anything other than code.

From the comments it looks like Lyft and Uber are rounding people up at gun point again and forcing them to work. Almost as bad as Amazon. 

Uber has never driven a single person around. 

The code and the platform existed before the drivers. The code can be easily updated to accommodate a wide variety of location bsed services beyond simple ride sharing.

As for the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder driven by Walker’s co-star Tyrese Gibson, yeah, no, that car was never an object of desire for anybody.”

Feature about tail lights. Doesn’t include a picture of said tail lights.

Well, Uber's not wrong....

If choosing between CA Government and Lyft on this topic, #TeamLyft.

We already have those in the US, they’re called Harley riders.

Soon enough you’ll be able to overnight parts from Bavaria.

I can imagine and understand the NRA’s frustration on being the scapegoat for an issue that they are not directly responsible.

America has a people problem. As in ‘unstable people’, both armed and unarmed.

“The National gun conversation is mainly a few elite who know nothing about guns telling a bunch of other people who know even less about guns, what they should know about guns so they can tell ppl who know about guns that they don’t know anything about guns”

funny...they lobbied for the last improvement to the background check system.

So if you get rid of every firearm in America do think one less person will be murdered. Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma with a bomb made from fertilizer and desiel fuel. Crazy people will always find a way to kill people. They will build a bomb, run people over with a car, light fires . It's

You seem to have an innate hostility to due process when it would act to let someone possess firearms. Do you treat other Constitutional rights the same way?

Again, respectfully disagree.

Respectfully, I disagree. The NRA historically has supported gun control measures. I’ve included a link below that summarizes a good amount of their history. The link below stops in the 70's, so it doesn’t include the ‘86 ban on automatic weapons. The NRA has stated on multiple occasions that they would push to repeal