
When humanity is extinct. This pile of shit will be there probably looking the same and untouched by anything with a functioning brain that may exist.

People still watch ESPN?

She already left the game to get a head start on traffic.

Crawford didn’t get a penalty, what the hell? The officiating is horrible, it’s amazing the Blues are leading the series. Game 2 was some of the worst. We should be talking about a Blues sweep today!

Because all fan bases do the same thing to free agent players. Not just a STL thing... I’m sure if it was Philly there would be racial slurs thrown along with batteries.

Yes, because we should just let the media assume something happened, without consequence... You’re from the generation of suck.

And now... the Best Cans in Baseball!

But you’re trying to talk to the current generation that is offended by everything. The best strategy now would be for the University to give a public apology to anyone or anything that is offended, the University president should then step down and so on... it worked out for Mizzou (what a fuckin’ embarrassment BTW).

Guess what? No one cares... this is a non-story.

Eww. Now I’m all wet...

That guy sitting on the ball... what a fucktard!

If I recall, back in 2011 the Cardinals had a pretty rough start to the season as well, how did that turn out? We all saw how butt-hurt Deadspin was, here’s a small taste. Ahhhh, just let the butt-hurt flow, Deadspin!

Because they are trying to sell ad space, just like Gawker does... it’s lazy and unethical, I know. Weird.

The real Story will be when he’s traded to a team that matters.

But... dem azaleas tho!

Every Baseball expert knows, the only rules of Baseball are the unwritten ones.

I’m sure it was really hard for this runner to press charges and call all this attention to her running... I mean usually all runners are humble and don’t brag about such things.

(more like this)...