
Neither does running back and forth to the refrigerator... *rimshot

Yea, probably... if they lose....

Just put fucking USB outlets on all planes and I’ll be happy.

In other words... Deadspin had a huge boner but now it’s more like a soft cow.

That was really really really funny?

Man look at all those self-important hipsters... So how’s that bankruptcy going?


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Perhaps, now follow me here; it wasn’t Remigio Pereira, but a body double. Yes, a body double. Someone had tied him up in the clubhouse and was impersonating him. Hey, it’s happened before...

We have a winner! +1

Pirates are known to steal booty... too soon? Think about it.

He’s a piece of shit.

Dem sholders, tho.

That’s funny, I thought the magic number for the Cub’s was 1908.

90% of Cardinal fans come from outside the City of St. Louis. This is a fact on the Cardinals website. And you are correct all the insufferable fan come from southern parts of Missouri (like the jack-ass with the sign at Card games), Illinois and Arkansas and some parts of Iowa since KMOX’s broadcast is so powerful.

#ForeverRoyal right here ladies and gents, this guy supported his team thru the dark ages even just a few years ago when the Royals couldn’t giveaway tickets at local grocery stores or when the Royals gave out free consessions to try and fill seats. He’s a diehard Royals fan! #ForeverRoyal

Any footage of that actual attempted beaning?

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Being trapped in a car on fire got ranked that low!

FYI - All fan bases have there fair share of shitty fans. Most of the shitty Cards fans come into town from outside STL from west and southern Missouri and down into Arkansas which is a shitty part of the country (all states have there shitty parts BTW).

All the teams had alternative jerseys for Father’s Day. Getdafuckwitit.