Chub Rub

Thank you. She is gone now, died loving a man who treated her poorly and left her for the next shiny object. Makes me live my life to the fullest and never accept anything less than you deserve. I'd rather be alone.

Get lots of money. They just show up like magic.

I thought the only body part which keeps growing your entire life was your nose? Maybe as we age, a "bobblehead" effect begins?

Yes, my mother had to be hospitalized for months after years of my father's Don Draperesque betrayals, including knocking up several of his secretaries. It may have been the constantly calm lying to her face episodes which made her snap.

I was about to post something similar. I want to know how being a serial cheater makes one a fake feminist as well. Unless she has tales of his harassing auditioning actresses for parts or whatnot …..Mrs. Ex-Whedon needs to take her half of the money and go on a long vacation.

Where the fuck is the ACLU in this matter? They can spend their funds to fight for white nationalists "rights" to physically march around with rifles, clubs and torches, but radio silence here?

Does anyone remember the olden days, when dragons and white walkers roamed the planet?

He was arrested. His case and pill counts are on Smoking Gun. Of course, he pleaded not guilty and the charges went away. And he went to rehab. Probably one of the first "diversion" cases.

And fails to mention the Republican reformer and progressive Theodore Roosevelt, who made preserving the nation's natural resources and protecting Americans through social reforms, his priority. The USA could use this type of Republican right now.

An "average" Kushner got into Harvard right after receiving a $2.5 million donation from his family. I'm sure it worked the same for C-average Dubya……who appears a scholar next to 45.

Step away from the Oxy, Rush.

It is near impossible to forget the childhood he experienced. This is the damage child molesters cause. If a stupid girl can be convicted of harassing a boyfriend into suicide, it sure seems that a child molester should be arrested and convicted of manslaughter as well. He is finally at rest.

Daycare centers are bleached daily to kill any bacteria from poop babies. Banks and post offices won't let you sit children atop counters. Bare baby butts and poop in restaurants. …no effing way!

Bwahh! You only need to be born fat, orange and rich and ….poof!….you're in bed with the Russians & the Saudis!

I never understood the importantance of where Obama was born. He came out of an American vagina…which makes him 100% American, even if held some sort of dual citizenship through his father. And what were Kenya's immigration rules at the time? The majority of countries on this planet (other than the US) do not

I had a customer whose name was Mike Sweeny. He was an engineer and I felt childish every time I had to call his firm and ask for him. Predates email, which now resolves this situation. Thanks for being too late, email.

I agree. My niece is bipolar and really struggles with misophonia too. Her affliction version only has certain people which trigger her. (It's people she cares about and a few she doesn't care for). She wants to punch them in the face and has to leave the room, the compulsion is so strong. It sounds funny, but it is

You think this is bad, check out misophonia!!

Especially when only 2% of the population was left. She had to find the inventor, travel continents to meet him and then he had to build it. She had to have been gone for over 10 years, which she made no mention of.

Nora had already become Laurie's patient when she chose to cross and they said goodbye at the coast, near the mobile crossover equipment. It was the only way to get Laurie to agree to not tell anyone about her decision. Another possible clue as to why Laurie didn't kill herself.