Chub Rub

Maybe it's someone who "identifies" as female?

Actually, his babysitters (Ivanka & Jared) observe Shabbat every Friday night through Saturday. That's when Emperor Cheeto runs rampant and manic tweets.

Exactly. I had to wait 4 weeks to wait to have my cancerous kidney removed. Not only is it terrifying to wait, especially the night before, but there are mandatory labs and xrays done 24 hours before surgery to make sure you are healthy enough for surgery. I can't imagine having to wait another month and repeat labs,

That's not what Bernie says. And Bernie would have trounced Trump.

I do have to say that the only positive here is the RNC put through the popular candidate. The DNC cheated and put the wrong candidate through. This is what happens. Remember this.

He thinks it's really him in the SNL skits getting high ratings. He just got confused.

I'm all for legal gun ownership, but don't own one. Seeing this orange lunatic makes me want to buy one for safety when civil unrest begins.

This is why his adult children quit their jobs and moved to DC with him. He is a total incompetent!

I started to pay attention to the crazy opiate overdose epidemic after my sister died of an accidental overdose on first generation oxycontin in 2001. Celebrities get entirely different "cause of death" spins than the no named person.

And Trump did absolutely nothing to diminish the Bush's….who I can't stand. More Trump fake news.

His autopsy reports he had 8 different medications and weed in his system when he died. Long term opiate use kills you mainly due to lung function. All of the other meds combined gets you higher. That's why users combine them. Used singly, they wouldn't kill you….combined they are toxic.

I am not "getting" it anywhere. It happened 8 years ago and I have a good memory. Google is your friend. All you have to do is search "Britanny Murphy fired from set" and pages of articles will pull up. Some actress form Twilight took her role as an emergency sub. She died within two weeks.

No mold was found. They were both opiate addicts. She had recently been kicked off of a film set, and on the way home he OD'd on the airplane and they had to carry him off. She was dead within 2 weeks.

You can read her autopsy results online. She had 6 narcotics in her system. All prescribed, just like my sister who died at 38 of the same thing. Almost the exact same drugs….benzo's, opiates and antihistamines. Long term opiate use causes poor lung function and anemia, leaving the lungs vulnerable to infection. The

Oops, thanks, fixed.

You must have a high pain tolerance, because kidney stones are supposed to be as painful as labor.

Tylenol fries your liver, not your kidneys. Ibruprofin is processed by your kidneys.And people aren't melting down Norco's to make meth. That is antihistamines.

And Corey Haim, And Brittany Murphy And her husband.

She died of an overdose which caused her heart to stop. Same thing my sister died of at age 38, and a normal mother of 2. Opiate overdoses have passed the leading cause of death of young people, which had ALWAYS been auto accidents! This has to stop!

I wonder if Krause realizes milk is mucus…..the main reason I can't drink it. Or that jello or anything with gelatin, is made from hooves. Ruined jello for me.