Brian: Tech billionaire, probably a bit of an asshole
Brian: Tech billionaire, probably a bit of an asshole
Weird comment
You literally just read a quote about how it also happened in the 80s, and you still felt the need to make a stupid Common Core comment?
“First and foremost, I should have led with a lot more humanity.”
No, he’s prepping for a photo-op during the walkout. He’ll be out there supporting his people, like when those cops kneeled during the BLM protests.
Chappelle’s allowed to believe whatever he wants to believe, but I can’t understand why he (and J.K. Rowling, for that matter) has picked this particular hill to die on.
Rich people eating at his restaurants proves money does not buy class.
Who is the customer base this guy appeals to? Seems like the fools from the fool and his money proverb.
1) Netflix wasn’t the reason there’s no more Mindhunter. That was Fincher himself.
Well, if they get Covid then they can always go to the hospital and get a bunch of chemicals put into their body because they didn’t want a chemical in their body. Smooth-brained reasoning 101.
Anticipating this answer, I specified music festival.
There’s also the inconvenient fact that a grand total of zero organized religions have gone on record against the vaccine in the first place, even the fucking Jehovah’s Witnesses, the touchstone for batshit religious attitudes towards modern medicine, have released an official statement disclaiming any prohibition on…
I’ve never once in my entire life heard of the mall referred to as a “woman’s place.”
Well, I’m glad you already enjoy the movie.
He was reading from a piece where I talk about how stupid their prequel videos are, so you if you work hard you might be able to trace my dislike of them back to before they mentioned me in a video!
God, based on everything I’ve read, I honestly can’t tell how the “irritating Reddit nerd” contingent is going to respond to this one. On the one hand, it seems like they would be likely to gnash their teeth and scream, “Hey, where’s Bill Murray?! Who are these fuckin’ kids?! This is different! I hate this!”
Yeah, I can’t imagine Iggy going easy on this one. Or hell, Dowd. I’m sure we would have gotten a far more scathing review had he gotten the assignment.
Dude, if you’ve convinced yourself that the older, kinja-less version of the AVClub would go any easier on this trifle, I don’t know what to tell you.
That...isnt at all what anyone is saying... Like...not even *a little bit*...
The names “Ruth,” “Bader,” and “Ginsburg” didn’t give you a clue? Or her accent, or every single photo or video of her ever taken?
[Spoken as someone who is Jewish, looks it, has a very Jewish name, and whose grandmother was nearly a dead ringer for RBG]