chubby ballerina

we still come here out of an odd mix of habit

You don’t have to be here either, you know. If you are so displeased by the comments, you could give the whole thing a pass.

Was Levar Burton the top pick of the fans? Or just the top pick of a loud minority on Twitter? People forget that Twitter and entertainment blogs like this have very little correlation to what the average person believes. I would be interested to see this question actually professionally polled. I suspect that Ken

It’s so funny because it’s true: the raping was worse than the hypocrisy.

Oh my God, I had never seen that Seinfeld clip. I’m losing it here at work.

“It’s worse than Tiger Woods, worse than Kevin Spacey and worse than Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky—put together.”

I’m in the South, but not in this Cawthorne’s district. Our politicians largely don’t represent the views of the people. I’m in an area with a lot of transplants from NY and NJ who came here specifically because they want these sorts of regressive politics.

It’s not really about deaths at amusement parks. It’s about park history.

I also love Defunctland and watched it obsessively during the pandemic, but I came at it from a completely different perspective; as someone who loves theme parks. While some of the most fun (and/or horrific) moments in the series definitely involve terrible ideas in parks, the series as a whole seems much more like a

I disagree that they look that different in age apart from styling choices. Zooey’s bangs read really young, and they also distract from any tell-tale eye wrinkles, while Jon Hamm looks much older when he’s got grey facial hair. But in any case, the real-life couple had a 16 year age gap and it’s an audio medium

Enh, not as funny when someone is actually beaten up.

Thus far, Sony and Marvel have done a pretty good job of keeping us in the dark”

Worker solidarity! Love to see it.

I swear to god, men will jump through so many hoops to find a reason to shit on something involving/focused on women so they can justify their hatred even when it’s clearly just straight up misogyny.

Oi, chazzwazzer! Maybe grab a Fosters and play knifey-spooney with someone else.

The congressman’s office announced the happy couple would be honeymooning at The White Lotus in Maui, staying in the world famous Pineapple Suite. 

There have been a lot of reassessments by good writers and documentarians about how much we villianized women who were sexually abused or taken advantage of. “Lorena” is excellent in this regard. I wish they would just do a version of that focusing on Monica, who by all accounts was a young woman pressured into sex by

Billy Eichner as Matt Drudge”

No no, you get it when they open and everything is fresh, straight out of the kitchen.

Yay, a Will Harris Random Roles, with someone who had a lot of interesting things to say!