chubby ballerina

General rule of thumb: Don’t stan for powerful people, especially not politicians (or their powerful family members).  Powerful people need to be held to account, not fawned over.

OOOUUUHHH the people at Jezebel are gonna so mad when they read that title!

Please stop making me feel sad about GLOW, yeesh.

Ooh! Karina Longworth? I am ON. BOARD.

I can only think the muscle memory isn’t there so maybe it’s a little slower to come out?? But the phrasing makes it sound very dramatic when it’s a non issue.

honestly, reminiscent of the comment sections whenever spanking comes up. people (and parents) that are cool with hitting kids show up in droves :/ .

what she said was awful, and i doubt it was the first or only time. plus, growing up in that kind of environment is not the kind of thing that just leaves you. most people remember their school bullies and how those bullies made them feel; with a bully parent, the impact is that much more. people mistreated by parents

Why does that bother you more than an emotionally abusive parent?

I’m sure that’s probably the only time she was emotionally abusive to her young child! Everyone has those days where they want to cruelly tear their child’s dreams apart, ya know?

Kids are the worst.

Is it? Treat your kids like shit and see how they respond. 

this doesn’t sound like “worrying” to me, it’s exactly what it was labeled in the article: mocking. really disgusting that so many people here don’t see a problem with a parent addressing their child this way, and even worse, believe that the mocked child owes part of their fortune to the mocking parent. 

Quentin Tarantino’s mother “belittled” him for writing and now that he’s a big successful movie man, he has vowed to not buy her nice things.

Not really - sometimes cutting ties with abusive people is the most mature move available.

...many employees who started working for the fast food chain during the pandemic have never had to deal with trays, and the logistics of adding them into the ordering process has been tricky...

I mean it depends on if it was a one-off or typical of their relationship. If she was indeed a toxic parent, I can understand him not wanting to have anything to do with her (the usual caveats about Tarantino being a Weinstein enabler who puts his actresses in unecessary danger aside)

If I had a dad that was as uptight, mean, sexist, “pious” and controlling as Jamie Spears, I would be posting topless photos of myself too if only to piss him off and let him its my body and not his!

Sounds like Jamie Spears is behaving irrationally. I’m concerned about his recent behavior and overall mental health, based on his behavior here. Maybe someone should step in and take the reins.

Oh yeah, it’s really poorly written. It really reeks of “baby’s first book”, which is totally fine because we all have to start somewhere, but I feel like RPO’s success essentially stunted Cline as a writer. It’s really apparent in Ready Player Two which is an even weaker book because it literally has nothing going

Even a focused gymnast can end up crippled. Like, say, Elena Mukhina.